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15 Things Every Woman Should Have & Know By The Time She's 30

Every woman experiences things at a different age. Your first love. Your first kiss. Your first heartbreak. You may remember it all too well. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, some positive experiences and some not so much. Your first time on a plane. The first time you splurged on a shopping trip. The first time you felt betrayed by someone you love. As we navigate this crazy thing called life, we grow and learn and constantly make memories. While some women dread their 30th birthday, there is a saying that 'life begins at 30.' The hardships of your 20's are finally over. Living paycheck to paycheck, staying in a tiny apartment while struggling to pay off bills and student loans. Your 30th birthday may come with a new appreciation for life, a sense of adventure, and new opportunities. Instead of fearing 30, try embracing it! Here are 15 things every woman should have and should know by the time she's 30.

At the age of 30, you should have:

1. The perfect outfit for a spectacular occasion

2. A set of lingerie that makes you feel beautiful

3. A friend who is your shoulder to cry on when you need it most

4. A friend who always makes you laugh

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5. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it

6. A solid start on a satisfying career and a satisfying relationship

7. The belief that you deserve the best

8. A skin-care regimen that helps keep you looking as young and beautiful as you feel


9. A resume that you're proud of

10. One old boyfriend you can imagine a life with

11. One old boyfriend who reminds you how far you've come

12. A sweat-it-out exercise routine that helps keep you healthy and strong

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13. A past that you're at peace with

14. A future that you're looking forward to

15. A passport with multiple travel stamps

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At the age of 30, you should know:

1. How to kiss in a way that perfectly communicates how you feel

2. How to fall in love without losing yourself

3. How to breakup with a partner

4. How to confront a friend without ruining the friendship


5. How to live alone and take care of yourself

6. How to be kind to your body

7. How to figure out who is trustworthy and who is not

8. How to move on from things that hurt you in the past

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9. Where to find the best pizza in town

10. How to apologize when you need to

11. How to step out of your comfort zone

12. How to cook one amazing meal

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13. When to try harder

14. When to walk away

15. Why they say that life begins at 30

Sources: Bright Side Huffington Post All Women's Talk EmpowHer Save Save Save
