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15 Fantastic Different Uses For Lavender Essential Oil!

Lavender essential oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there. It helps with everything from skin irritations to anxiety. It is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it the perfect choice for almost any situation. If someone were to pick only one essential oil to use for the rest of his or her life, lavender might be the best choice. Lavender essential oil has been used for more than 2,500 years for its medicinal qualities and cleansing attributes. Egyptians used it as a perfume. Ancient Greeks used it to treat insomnia, bad backs, and mental health. It was also used as a deodorant and insect repellent for medieval castles. Lavender was even used to ward off the Great Plague by attaching branches to wrists and adding it to clothes. watermark4

Topical Uses, Create A Lavender Mixture:

Remember to dilute the lavender essential oil with a carrier oil, like coconut oil, in topical applications as the essential oil by itself can cause skin irritation. Always avoid sensitive areas like the eyes. Also, make sure only to use 100% therapeutic grade lavender oil as others will not produce the desired effects. I premix coconut oil and lavender essential oil in a jar for easy access. Mix ¼ cup coconut oil with 3 drops of lavender oil. Always use glass when dealing with oils as they have been known to break down plastic. Also, glass is better for the environment. watermark2

Here are 15 uses of this lavender oil mixture:

1. Bug Bites / Stings and Minor Rashes

Lavender essential oil has soothing abilities, but it can also help relieve pain and itching. Furthermore, it will relieve topical irritation brought on by bug bites. You can also use it to sooth red, inflamed skin from a bee sting. Additionally, use it on minor rashes to help soothe and calm inflammation and prickly pain. Rub the lavender mixture on the affected area. The mixture will help with the pain and battle against skin troubles.

2. Cuts

As lavender oil is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, it's a fantastic choice when it comes to treating small cuts. The lavender mixture, with these powerful healing agents, will help protect your wound from becoming infected. Furthermore, the pain-relieving ability of lavender oil will help alleviate discomfort. And lavender oil can even speed-up healing time! (1) Use a q-tip to apply the lavender mixture to the wound to help cleanse and soothe the pain.

3. Dandruff / Alopecia

Lavender oil can help balance the natural oils of your scalp. In this way, it can be used to treat dandruff, and can also be used to treat alopecia. Furthermore, it can be therapeutically beneficial to massage this mixture into your scalp. The motion and the scent can induce a relaxed state of mind while you're treating your problematic scalp. Massage the mixture into scalp and it will help with itching, hair loss and flakes.

4. Acne

This is another area in which the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents within lavender oil come into play. Lavender oil can help soothe and calm acne-induced inflammation, all while combating the bacteria that can contribute to the development of acne. Use 1 to 2 drops lavender oil with your daily face wash to help with existing acne and help prevent future breakouts.

5. Chapped Lips / Skin

Bitter, cold temperatures can be brutal on your lips and skin. To help protect dry, cracked lips and skin from the weather, use the lavender oil mixture as often as needed. You might consider purchasing a small container meant for homemade lip balm. This way, you can carry your mixture with you and use it when you're on the go. Massage into affected areas with the lavender mixture.

6. Sunburns or Minor Burns

When the weather first starts to heat up, it can be easy to forget to put on sunscreen. And while some sun exposure is good for vitamin D intake, too much can lead to a painful sunburn. If you spent too long in the sun, you can use the lavender mixture to help alleviate inflammation and pain associated with a sunburn. Additionally, you can also use it for other minor burns. Use lavender mixture on a cotton ball and gently apply to injured area.

7. Fungal Infections

Lavender oil, due to its anti-fungal properties, can be used to treat a variety of fungal infections. In fact, it's even used to treat candida overgrowth. Research dictates it can also be used to treat various skin and common nail fungus infections. (3, 4) With a q-tip place lavender mixture onto the affected area.

Diffused (Using an Essential Oil Diffuser) or Inhaled uses:

8. Congestion or Hay Fever

Lavender oil is a natural antihistamine. Whether you're allergic to pet dander, mold, dust or other irritants, the next time you have an allergy attack try using lavender oil for relief. Furthermore, you can use it on skin hives and rashes. Diffuse 2-4 drops or place 1-2 drops into the palm of your hands, rub hands together until warm then inhale. For hives and rashes, apply the mixture directly to your skin.

9. Sleep, Anxiety, and Relaxation

This, perhaps, is one of lavender's oil most well-known and most celebrated uses. Many bath products meant for relaxation will include lavender as a primary ingredient. The benefit of using therapeutic grade lavender oil rather than many store-bought products is that you can avoid unnatural additives. If you're battling a lot of stress and anxiety, unwind with a treatment of lavender oil. Furthermore, if you're suffering from insomnia or fitful sleep, try using lavender oil as a remedy. (5) Diffuse 2-4 drops or put a drop of oil on a cotton ball and place in a pillow case.

10. Pests

Lavender oil can also be used to drive away insects and other unwanted pests. They do not enjoy the smell, and as such, this oil will keep them away from you and your home. 1-2 drops of lavender oil on a cotton ball placed in drawers or closets will help keep unwanted pests out.

11. Child Sleep Time

Lavender is often an ingredient in baby shampoos to help promote relaxation for a fussy baby. The oil can also be used to help children settle down for bedtime. Lavender essential oil a safe, gentle and effective method for inducing a sense of calm and sleepiness. Put 1-2 drops of lavender oil into a child’s nightly bath water to help settle them down for bed.

Ingested Uses:

12. Motion Sickness/Nausea

When you're pregnant, it can be difficult finding an effective method to treat morning sickness. Every woman is different, so, while peppermint tea might work for one woman, it won't necessarily work for another. If you're suffering from morning sickness or nausea in general, consider trying lavender oil to find some relief. 1 drop of lavender oil on the tongue will help with nausea.

13. Food Prep

It may sound odd, but lavender essential oil is fantastic in certain dishes! It adds a certain earthy, slightly sweet and aromatic flavor to teas and even desserts. Lavender oil enhances the flavor, but it pairs particularly well with chocolate--just a drop or two. Furthermore, for extra relaxation, try adding a drop or two of it to your chamomile tea. watermark3

Uses for Pets:

I have used lavender essential on my pet’s wounds. Your pet will probably hate it, but I have had great results.

14. Ear Heath

If you've noticed your pet digging around a lot in their ear lately, they may need to have their ears cleaned. The good news is that you may be able to treat their ears right at home. Use 2-4 drops lavender essential oil and ¼ cup fractionated coconut oil (this type of coconut oil contains a higher fraction of caprylic acid or C-8) to make an amazing ear cleaner and spray. If you see an adverse reaction or symptoms worsen, consult your veterinarian.

15. Wound Healing

Just as lavender essential oil promotes and speeds up healing time in humans, it also helps clear bacteria and heal your pets' wounds. However, if the wound worsens or an adverse reaction occurs, be sure to consult a veterinarian. Use a q-tip and lavender mixture on wounds to help clear bacteria and promote healing. These are just a few of the many uses for lavender which is why lavender is always the first oil I grab. Remember a little goes a long way and always to be safe when using essential oils. Make sure to keep them out of the reach of pets and young children.

What are your uses for lavender essential oil? You can learn more about lavender oil in the video below!
