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11:11 What Does It Mean?

"11:11, make a wish!" It is a phrase we may have heard before, but just what is the significance behind it? What does 11:11 mean when we catch it on our phone or a digital clock? Besides being a number that's associated with dreams and wishes coming true, 11:11 is the only time of the day (using the 12-hour clock) that all four digits on the clock are the same. However, it seems that some people can catch this magical time more frequently than others. According to Numerology, the number 11 is the link between the mortal and the immortal; which explains the idea that when the clock strikes 11:11, a window to heaven opens up to grant wishes. Others connect 11:11 to simply a gateway or a synchronistic portal of any symbolic type. Is 11:11 a mere coincidence or is there something bigger happening here? Using logic and science behind this phenomenon of people repeatedly seeing the same number, we end up with three reasons — chance, predisposition, and acceleration. Using illogic, we end up with another reason — synchronicity. Chance just means you happened to see the number. You pull out your phone, and you see that the time is 12:12 or you have 22 percent power left, or you have exactly 3 hours and 33 minutes until your destination. Predisposition means you are attracting particular numbers. Therefore, you see them more. Acceleration means that, after seeing a number repeatedly and you start wondering about it, you'll soon begin seeing that number more often. Synchronicity indicates a powerful flow of connection between seemingly different people, places, things, and/or phenomenon that somehow surfaces as a number or number series. Now that we have an understanding of these four factors, we can begin to go deeper into strange digital occurrences.


Numbers are all around us, on our receipts, at your favorite store, in the car, on your phone, social media and a ton of other things. Unless you have bad blood with a certain number, there's a good chance that you'll encounter every one, two, three or four digit number possible. Nevertheless, certain numbers stick out, such as 11:11 or 1:11 or 2:22 or something similar.


For whatever reason, you have a favorite number. You soon begin to see how that number plays out with other things in your life. Your favorite football player wears the number 81, and it is the first two digits of your student id or the last two digits of your cell phone number. You are now predisposed to recognize this number whenever you see it.


As you begin to see any particular number more and more, you soon start asking yourself if there's something special about this number, I mean, why else would you see it so much. This is when the acceleration is triggered. Our minds are always searching for answers to mysteries, and your subconscious will go into overdrive attempting to decipher this information.


The repeated appearance of 11:11 on your phone or digital clock could mean you are in the holy flow of synchronicity. Lots of great things are happening all simultaneously — like surfing a great series of moments of life. Remember, our digital system of time keeping and of counting time itself, is linear. It does not allow for the non-linear, irrational element of life to come in. However, numbers like 11:11, 4:44, 12:34, or 1:23 do allow the recognition of hidden connections between seemingly different aspects of life that if listened to may guide us to even greater synchronicity or even hyper-synchronicity — an essential part of the magic of life. “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” — Carl Jung, psychiatrist, psychologist, author (1875 - 1961) Let us know in the comments whether you believe that numbers hold power. carl-jung-synchronicity
