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10 Signs Your Soul Has Reincarnated Many Times Before

Buddha taught his followers of rebirth or reincarnation — the belief that a soul is born multiple times into new bodies or new life forms, traveling on an eternal path to serve karma from previous lives, and eventually reach a state of perfect enlightenment when additional human lives are no longer necessary. Those who believe in reincarnation understand it as a maturation process of soulful energy.

Here are 10 signs that your soul has been reincarnated many times!

1. You Have Recurring Dreams

Dreams are reflections of the unconscious mind. Repetitive dreams may signify reflections of past life experiences. Many people claim to have experienced certain events, seen certain people or gone to other places in their dreams that feel extremely familiar and recognizable.lucid dream

2. You Have Odd Memories

Out-of-place memories could be due to fantasies, but they could also be evidence of a past life. Remembering something in detail that has never happened to you in your current life could be a memory from a past life.

3. You Have Deja Vu

Deja vu happens to most people at some point, but repeatedly experiencing it could be a sign of previous reincarnation. Smells, sounds, sights and tastes may seem extremely familiar and cause flashbacks to another place and time.

4. You Are An Empath

Empaths absorb the feelings of others. They are extremely attuned to emotions. Being an empath may be a sign that your soul has undergone many previous reincarnations, and you have experienced so many emotions that you are now extremely sensitive to them.Soulmate Featured Image

5. You Have Precognition

Precognition is future sight or second sight. It's the ability to obtain information about events that will happen in the future. It can be experienced through visions, physical sensations and dreams.

6. You Have Retrocognition

Retrocognition is the ability to obtain information about past events that is unavailable. These past events could be from your own lifetime, or sometime in the distant past. Retrocognition is difficult to prove, but for those who have experienced it, retrocognition could be a sign of soulful reincarnation.

7. You Have an Old Soul

Feeling older than your age reflects could be a sign of reincarnation. You've carried over knowledge and experience from your past lives that have stayed with you, and reflect into your current life.girl

8. You Have Strong Intuitions

Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious mind with the unconscious mind, and to tap deeper into primal wisdom and innate knowledge. Those with strong intuitions may be mature in soul — evidence of many lives lived.

9. You Enjoy Other Cultures or Times

Having a great, unexplained attraction to a certain culture or time period from the past may be a sign of reminiscing about your past life. Your soul may still be longing for a past environment.

10. You Have Unexplained Fears

Certain memories or experiences can leave a mark in past lives. Some believe that those who have been reincarnated may still be able to experience the echos of past traumas through fears and phobias that are unexplained. h/t: expanded consciousness
