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David Wolfe's Groundbreaking Health & Wellness Conferences are back!

After 5 long years, we came back together in Texas this past spring.

David 'Avocado' Wolfe is hosting the next annual Health & Rejuvenation Conference and we are taking it to the beach!

March 22nd - 24th, 2024

This time, we are meeting in picturesque Laguna Beach, California, at the perfect time of year.

Presenting cutting edge conversations with your host David 'Avocado' Wolfe

Special Guest: Chervin Jafarieh

Dive into a rich tapestry of thought-provoking discussions led by David Wolfe & Chervin Jafarieh (founder of Cymbiotika), experts and luminaries in the world of health and nutrition.

Unlock the secrets to nourishing and healing your body and mind for sustained vitality.

This weekend experience will share groundbreaking insights and cutting-edge research on nutrition, longevity, and the Best Day Ever lifestyle, guiding you towards empowered decisions that will shape your future.

This event is a beacon of knowledge, a haven for connection, and a catalyst for transformational experiences.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to elevate your well-being and become a part of a thriving community committed to lifelong vitality!

Featured Topics

Detoxification, Parasites and Mega Immunity

Cleansing and Detox in a Toxic World

Detox Protocols for people who have been injected with dangerous untested products

Charcoal, Activated Charcoal and C60, and SuperCharcoals for Clean Living

Rudolf Steiner, Charles Fort, Book of Revelation and the Navigational Philosophies of our Times

Activate Genius: The Power of Intention

Peak Performance, Diet, Superfoods, and Superherbs

Immune System Nutrition: Medicinal Mushrooms, Superherbs: Mega Immunity and creating a Host Defense

Jing Energy: Endurance and Will Power

The Best Day Ever!

Your Host: David 'Avocado' Wolfe

David 'Avocado' Wolfe is your resident host of his own Health & Rejuvenation Conference. David's Health Conferences have been running for nearly 20 years with many thousands of people attending from around the world.

Special Guest: Chervin Jafarieh

Chervin Jafariah is long-time friend and colleague of David 'Avocado' Wolfe and the founder of Cymbiotika. Chervin is a very well-respected and influential health expert, teacher and mentor.  At an early age, he was mentored by some of the world's top health authorities and quickly developed a deep passion and curiosity that drove him to question and expand upon everything he was taught.

Join us in Laguna Beach

From unraveling the mysteries of detoxification to diving into the world of Supercharcoals... from understanding the guiding principles laid down by the likes of Rudolf Steiner to harnessing the Power of The Best Day Ever... This conference promises to be a beacon for those seeking health education, connection, and transformation.

Limited Seats Available, Reserve Now to Ensure Your Spot 👇🏽
