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Chlorella Tablets (1700 Tablets)

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David🥑WolfeChlorella Tablets
Cleanest Chlorella in the World
12. oz Bag
Contains: ~1700 tablets
Ingredients: Chlorella
Product of South Korea
How to use Chlorella: Chew the tablets as a snack, add the tablets to smoothies or elixirs and blend them in. Great to eat with nuts and seeds. This product travels well and does not require refrigeration; although keep out of the hot Sun. Chlorella has a rich cheese-type flavor and texture; although slightly harder with a more powdery consistency. 

Recommended for Children over the age of 5 and for Adults of all ages.
Pet Owners: Take Note! Cats love Chlorella!
Chlorella is one of the world’s richest superfood sources of:
Carotenoid (Antioxidant Color Pigments)
Complete Protein (60% protein by weight)
All B Vitamins
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Chlorella is a beneficial superfood for those looking to improve their health in the following areas:
Immune System
Derived from ultra-clean Chlorella vulgaris grown indoors under tightly controlled conditions, our Chlorella Tablets provide a well-balanced ratio of highly bioavailable vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Our Chlorella is a "thin cell wall" chlorella with high digestibility, which is amazing in terms of optimal nutrient preservation.

Our Chlorella Tablets undergo extensive lab testing for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology to ensure that you get one of the cleanest commercially-available chlorella products on the world market. They are also vegan, non-GMO and non-China.

Why choose lab-verified Chlorella Tablets?**

Nearly all commercially grown chlorella contains arsenic and aluminum because it is grown outdoors, where chemical fallout and other pollutants contaminate the air. This contaminated air falls onto chlorella farms; and since chlorella is so good at binding contaminants, heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum can easily accumulate in outdoor-grown chlorella.

At high levels, these toxic metals can cause irreparable damage to our tissues and organs, which is why they should never be present in anything you consume. To ensure that our supplements are safe from toxic metals, we go to great lengths to bring you only the cleanest products on the market. Our Chlorella Tablets deliver superior nutrition with the benefit of stringent laboratory testing to guarantee our product's cleanliness and purity. 

To determine this, we tested 17 different sources of chlorella for all five heavy metals mentioned above, then tracked them back to their respective countries of origin. We found chlorella from China to have the highest levels of contaminants. And yet, amazingly, chlorella from China is certified organic.

More importantly, we found that the cleanest source of chlorella in the world is NOT certified organic (and it's not from China). It's grown indoors in a tightly controlled growing environment, so it does not receive any fallout from air pollution, geo-engineering, agricultural runoff or other sources of pollution.

Our tablets deliver superior nutrition with the benefit of stringent laboratory testing to ensure our product's cleanliness and purity.

Our Lab-Verified Chlorella Tablets are highly bioavailable**
In its natural form, chlorella has a tough cell wall that makes it difficult for the human body to digest. Breaking the cell wall techniques generate both heat and very high pressures that also break the molecular integrity of many nutrients in chlorella. 

Our Chlorella is a "thin cell wall" chlorella with high digestibility, which allows for optimal nutrient preservation. 
NOTE: If you've never taken chlorella before, we advise that you to start slowly (two tablets) and observe how it makes you feel and how your body reacts to it. For people on a diet of junk foods, chlorella can be startling to your system because it's such a potent superfood. You may need to ease into it gradually.
  • Non-GMO
  • Glyphosate-Tested
  • Laboratory-Verified
  • China-Free
Ingredients: Chlorella Tablets (each tablet is approximately 200mg of compressed Chlorella)
Serving size: 10 tablets
Serving per container: 1700
Product of South Korea
This product is verified A+++ based on glyphosate analysis standards published at
This means the product has been tested via triple quad mass spec (LS-MS-MS) and conforms to the glyphosate / AMPA limits required for an A+++ rating as described at
 Low Heavy Metals Verified!
This product is verified A+++ according to the heavy metals standards published at
This means the product has been tested via ICP-MS and confirmed to meet the limits for an A+++ rating as described at


**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any diseases.


Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
V Byrd
Not sure yet

I have only been on this product close to two weeks. I am thinking it is helping with my severe dry eye problem. Only 4 stars until I truly know. If nothing else, it is very good for me and it is extremely well made. I trust David and all his products. I am sure I will buy this again. Just wish it didn't stick in my teeth LOL


Love this product!

Absolute amazing green food

I was looking for great quality and clean chlorella for a while and when I saw this one I ordered immediately. I trust Avocado so if he’s selling that means must be good quality product. And yes it is. Taste amazing. I feel great just after two weeks and can’t wait for more great results later. Also I’m giving to my dog now. She’s eating I make a powder form to mix with her food just 1 tsp for now. But I know that stuff also is great for pets .
Thank you so much Avocado

In love with DAWolfes's chlorella

There are so many different chlorellas out the and I have tried some of them, but now this is my last bus stop. I mean I will never try others again will stick to these because
1. I trust DAW's products. Have used a couple of his products
2. Nice cheesey taste that is easy to chew
3 I just throw all the 10 tablets in my mouth last thing before sleeping for them to do the job while recovering
So for me this is 5 stars

bethany ratliff
Chloreella a great choice for hypersensitive people

Chlorella increased wellness by improving GI symptoms in 2 people w/ fungal dysbiosis and multiple co-infections that induce CIRS - extreme hypersensitivity. It’s tough to treat people w/ CIRS, they react to everything, even activated charcoal. These people are HIGHLY sensitive. BUT, so far 2 people have responded to DAWolfe Chlorella w/ GI symptom reduction.


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