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David🥑Wolfe Carbon-60 Spray
This product is our solvent-free C60 SuperConcentrate in an oil-free spray form. The fast-acting antioxidant power of C60 becomes immediately available to the skin without any oil carrier.
40 ml Spray Bottle (1.35 Fluid Ounces)
240 Sprays per Bottle
How to Use
Use 2-4 sprays topically on the targeted area. The C60 penetrates deeply and immediately. Results should be seen and felt within 2-3 minutes.
Spray this product directly on: wrinkles, acne, sun-damaged skin, troubled joints, athlete’s foot, gout, inflamed tissue, injuries, the face (on blemishes or simply for beauty), on receding hair lines, skin disturbances (e.g. tinea versicolor), etc.
The C60 Super Concentrate Spray is so concentrated it is actually black in color yet the product brightens the skin. The spray absorbs almost immediately upon contact with the skin.
This product may also be used for oral care. One may spray into the mouth and onto the teeth.
While most other C60 products are carried in oil and designed to be digested, this product is oil-free and is designed primarily for topical use.
This product is 'solvent-free'. No solvent is used at ANY part of the process of creating this product. The C60 is suspended in distilled water.
There are only three ingredients: Water (distilled), Glycerin, and Carbon 60 molecules. The Carbon-60 Spray tastes like water and can be used orally.
The C60 is a colloidal suspension in distilled water—all without solvents—makes this one of the most difficult C60 products to produce in the world.
Clinical Research on C60
In 2011, Fathi Moussa, a French scientist, led a team of researchers in a toxicity study on the C60 fullerene mixed with olive oil.
Scientists discovered that C60 improved the lifespan of the rats. The C60 mixture helped them live 95% longer (that is nearly twice their normal lifespan) — the greatest breakthrough in extending the life of animals ever.
Scientists attributed the results to C60's antioxidant properties as well as to its ability to biodistribute: to cross the cell membrane and distribute throughout living tissues.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I use this product directly in my eye to reduce swelling and inflammation from a sty, I have used it in the past to overcome and eye infection that was caused by mold. This is the second time I’ve used the c60 spray efficiently effectively to solve an issue that I had with my eye and a very fast and immediate way! one of my all-time favorite products recommended to everyone!
I am hooked on the C60 spray! I use it for a lot of different circumstances. I use it daily to help with my dry scalp. I massage the following combination into my scalp each morning, 6 sprays with a drop of either lavender or rosemary essential oil. I’ve also used the spray on cuts and blemishes. This product is truly beneficial!
I bought this on a whim while looking at other C60 supplements. This is the first C60 I have tried, and I LOVE this product; I would coat my entire body in it if I could afford it!! This spray is a miracle for inflammation. Sore knee’s: noticeable pain reduction and cooling sensation within seconds of applying. Inflamed Lady Garden: again, cools and calms almost immediately. Skin Rash: Apply after a shower for quick improvement; helps keep sensitive skin on skin locations fresher and dryer. A couple of sprays per armpit keeps body odor at bay. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE spraying this on my face and neck. Skin is brighter, hydrated, and smoother. The absolute best use I have found is for my dry eyes - sprayed onto my face, keeping my eyes open, it immediately soothes and lubricates my eyes better than any other eye drop I have ever used, and it significantly reduces the red! I have only been using it for two weeks and am more than halfway through the bottle. I love this stuff, but I must curb my use to make it last longer. I noticed that C60 is also used industrially as a lubricant, and my eyes can vouch for its effectiveness in that department. I hope an herbal/C60 eye drop formula can be developed because my eyes have never felt so good – I would have an eye drop bottle everywhere: nightstand, desk, purse, etc.…
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This is the MOST delicious coconut cream I have eaver had! Its borderline "dangerous" how good it is, soooooo creamy .....but a healthy snack nonetheless and better in nutrients than anything on the market. Stock up, I know I have
This is one more measure of doing a parasite cleanse. Kill the parasite nasties and then use this charcoal to flush them far far away.
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Beat product by far
This is my first (but not my last) purchase of the Pearl Powder. It’s pretty amazing as my skin’s texture and appearance are improving since I began taking this. I open two capsules onto my spoon and take with either purified water or coffee each morning. Give it a try you will be surprised at its benefits.
I wonʻt say that "Iʻm addicted" but I do love this tea! Five stars!