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This Man's Trick for Removing Popcorn Ceiling is EPIC!

I love popcorn. Adore it, really. But I hate popcorn ceilings. When my family used to live in an apartment, we had – shall we say – less than considerate neighbors living above us who made a habit of jumping up and down or blasting loud music, which would inevitably result in occasional bits from the popcorn ceiling raining down on our carpet. They're really not fun. Even now that my family lives in a house without unruly tenants upstairs, it's incredibly annoying not being able to properly paint or clean the ceilings in any part of our home. But popcorn ceilings are far from just an annoyance when it comes to cleaning or chunks falling occasionally. Believe it or not, they can actually be a safety hazard in some older buildings. Why? Because the material often used in the application of popcorn ceilings before 1989 (when the material was banned) is our good ol' friend asbestos. So if you live in a home or apartment that was constructed before the asbestos ban, have a professional take a look. Don't try to take care of it yourself — Safety measures need to be taken in these situations. If you need to know more, the Ontario government's website has a few recommendations. You'll also want to have a look at the United States Environmental Protection Agency's site, for more info, as well. But if your popcorn ceiling is free of asbestos, there's a fun way to remove those bumps. It's really as simple as attaching a sharp, flat surface to the nozzle on your shopvac and letting loose. If that's not the most satisfying thing you've ever seen, I don't know what is.
