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What They Found Inside The Sunken Remains Of A 150-Year-Old Steamboat Is Still Edible

The Steamboat Arabia left Kansas City in 1856 for a routine supply trip up the Missouri River. It was carrying 200 tons of precious cargo that was on its way to 16 different towns along the river.


This was a common sight in those days because steamboats were the best way to traverse America’s river systems. They were a huge business and essential for trade and commerce.


Sadly, the Steamboat Arabia had embarked on its last journey. A fallen walnut tree, hidden by the glare of the setting sun, was waiting just below the surface of the water. One hit and the Arabia’s hull was torn open. She sank in seconds. Most were able to swim away. The only casualty was a poor mule that was left tied to the deck.


The steamboat was sucked into the mud and silt at the bottom of the river and disappeared from sight. As most rivers do, the Missouri River shifted course, and the Arabia was lost for 132 years. Then, in the 1980s, it was discovered 45 feet underneath a Kansas farm.


The Arabia had become a sort of local legend. This is what inspired Bob Hawley to find it in 1987. He and his sons found old maps and used sophisticated equipment to find the boat. It was located half a mile away from the present location of the river in farm land. The farmers agreed to the excavation as long as it would not interfere with spring planting season.


A 100-ton crane was brought in to help with the process, and 20,000 gallons of water had to be removed to bring this steamboat to light.


After two weeks, they found the remnants of a paddle wheel and a small black rubber shoe that was found on the deck.


Fine China still packed in straw was found perfectly intact thanks to the airtight mud.


On November 26, 1988, the full boat was uncovered along with its 200 tons of buried treasure.


Because of the mud, all the food was protected from the air. Thus, it was still edible after over 100 years. One brave excavator even tried a pickle from a sealed bottle. He found it to be fresh!


Today, the artifacts are all housed in a museum in Kansas City called the Steamboat Arabia Museum. One of their displays is the fully preserved skeleton of that poor mule.


Take a look at what they found!


Bison fur lined boots were all the craze back then. Nowadays, they are impossible to find in such good condition. 1ffb54cc792eba9afbc43e81416fac67_15

These Native American beads were supposed to be used for trading. I have not seen anything this beautiful ever!2a0f2f9d922803ddef9d0775a4edc88b_19

A beaver fur hat! Very popular back then. 3afd9268f19c8b159ceef780d77bcb7f_13

Pie fruit for days!08eb3209dd3d834f5e697879b98f170d_12

It is like one stepped back 150 years into the past! 22b02be938640fe6c9110f7b480a088e_14 89e7ec64cf24b0fecd65e8b8ea74a45c_11 816f35eb29f4ca22e3ec1f2bc8a0d9a6_17 b3ec5d224eff2996c7ce61cd17f57d36_25 cb04f089ae4fc3943b6433e17c91c0c4_18

d7edc4c69450142879ccb672b8df8cf8_20 dc61471d0128f84f0103cfd671d2f4be_23 ecca73f8b6e242faba6389f5497d709b_21 f85f08e7dab90a649952eaaf56d7fed0_22

To learn more, take a look at the short video below! Source: Wimp Messy Nessy Chic
