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Sepsis: 7 Steps To Prevent & Fight It

Sepsis. Sounds old-fashioned, doesn't it? But this condition in which bacteria enters the blood can be life-threatening. In fact, any infection can cause sepsis, especially those associated with the skin, gut, and lungs. (1) Symptoms may include fever, hypothermia, and a rapid heart rate. Today, conventional sepsis treatment typically involves antibiotics. However, there are several natural ways to prevent sepsis from occurring and to help your body fight the infection. First, take a look at some factors that may lead to systemic infection, then find tips below for reducing your risk.

Sepsis: Causes and Risk Factors

  • Any infection
  • A compromised immune system
  • Taking drugs that suppress the immune system, such as steroids
  • Diabetes

Sepsis: Symptoms

  • Fever
  • Hypothermia
  • Heart rate greater than 90 beats per minute
  • Fast respiratory rate
  • Altered mental state
  • Edema
  • High blood glucose

Tips for Preventing Sepsis

1. Don't Abuse Antibiotics

The best way to prevent sepsis is to avoid abusing antibiotics. You see, taking antibiotics when they are not needed can create drug-resistant bacteria that make a sepsis infection more likely and more dangerous. Therefore, do not take antibiotics for illnesses like common viral infections, sore throats, or the flu. (2) sepsis antibiotics

2. Homeopathy

Homeopathy, (3) Research has shown that homeopathy can help fight sepsis symptoms. For example, a 2005 study found that sepsis patients treated with homeopathy showed significantly higher rates of survival compared to sepsis patients treated with a placebo, and patients showed no adverse side effects. (3)

3. Wash Your Hands

Yes, natural sepsis treatment includes washing your hands on a regular basis. In fact, proper hand hygiene may be the most important factor in the prevention of antibiotic-resistant organisms and infections. Wash your hands regularly, especially after using the restroom or touching surfaces in hospitals or other public places. (4) sepsis wash hands

4. Probiotics

Probiotics work as a sepsis treatment by fighting off bad bacteria and promoting good bacteria in the body. Studies have shown that probiotics play an important role in fighting off sepsis. Begin adding probiotic-rich foods to your diet, such as kimchi, coconut water, kefir, and kombucha. (5)

5. Clean Wounds Properly

Even a small cut or scrape may cause sepsis, so be sure to properly clean and care for scrapes, cuts, and other wounds to prevent bacteria from entering the body. This means cleaning and covering all wounds until they are healed. sepsis wound

6. Zinc and Selenium

Zinc and selenium deficiencies can weaken the immune system and make the body more susceptible to infections. Take high-quality supplements or fill your diet with foods rich in zinc and selenium to help protect against sepsis. Zinc-rich foods include spinach, kidney beans, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. Foods rich in selenium include Brazil nuts, shiitake mushrooms, lima beans, chia seeds and spinach. (6)

7. Propolis

Propolis is an amazing product from the honey bee hive. In fact, all raw bee products are high in enzymes and vitamins. Also, a 2011 study published in The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases found that derivatives of propolis may help prevent and treat septic shock. You can find propolis as a natural supplement in your local health food store or online. (7)
