Can you name the most popular seasoning on grocery store shelves? Most people overlook the obvious. It's table salt! But processed salt is not healthy.
Wait... what? Salt is salt, right? You go to the grocery store, grab a shaker off the shelf, and you're good to go. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. These days you have salt options ranging everywhere from table salt to garlic salt and salt from the Pink Himayalans. But perhaps the most important thing to remember is to separate the unprocessed salt from the processed stuff. If you're having trouble with the distinction between the two, processed salt is usually much cheaper.
The Dangers Of Table Salt
If you've never paid much attention to salt, you probably pick up table salt whenever you're running low. But table salt can be toxic to your body. During processing, all of the valuable minerals in the salt are removed in order to make room for man-made additives, often in the form of bleaching, drying and anti-clumping agents. As a result, the levels of iodine left over in table salt after processing isn't enough to keep healthy levels in your system. The levels of iodine needed to overcome and iodine deficiency would require an unhealthy level of salt intake. If you eat a lot of salty foods, you might notice that you also crave salty foods. A 2011 study found salt is addictive. The brain responds to salt similar to how it responds to substances such as heroin, cocaine and nicotine. Too much salt can be deadly. Consuming processed salts can lead to many health problems, including:- Muscle cramps
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Arthritis
- Gallbladder Stones
- Kidney Stones
- Cellulite
- Rheumatism
- Digestion problems