Sandalwood essential oil is a fantastic stress-buster. If life's circumstances have pushed you past your mental limit, just reach for a bottle of sweet, musky sandalwood oil for instant relief. It’s the perfect option for promoting clarity and relaxation, but it can also help in other health-related areas. Furthermore, sandalwood essential oil has a wonderful aroma, which is just one of the reasons it’s a popular option for aromatherapy. It's also a common scent for use in homemade perfumes (try pairing it with vanilla!). Sandalwood also helps boost libido, can improve memory and can help lower blood pressure. For other health uses for this essential oil, read below.
Sandalwood oil is great for inducing mental clarity. Furthermore, it can help you feel relaxed and at peace, without making you feel too drowsy.
In fact, a study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found something notable. Patients who received palliative care felt much more relaxed when they received aromatherapy with sandalwood. This was prior to their care, and was in comparison to patients who did not receive sandalwood. (1)
To induce a state of relaxation, diffuse the oil in your home. Alternatively, add a few drops to your bath, or mix it with an unscented lotion or oil and massage it into your skin. You might also consider taking the oil with you to work, either in the bottle itself, or by means of an essential oil necklace.
If you’re suffering from a cough, try sandalwood. Its relaxing properties can help keep that cough at bay. Furthermore, it can help fight bacteria or viruses. (6)
Add a few drops of sandalwood essential oil to a washcloth and inhale. Repeat as often as needed, but keep in mind that some scents may trigger symptoms for those who have asthma.
Sandalwood may also potentially decrease blood pressure. Consider, if you will, the following study:
Researchers asked 36 volunteers to rub a sandalwood oil mix on their abdominal areas. Volunteers wore a breathing mask to prevent them from breathing in the oil. They then measured the volunteers’ eye blink rate, systolic blood pressure and other parameters.
The results showed that blink rate and systolic blood pressure decreased after application of the sandalwood oil. (7)
Here are 10 health uses for sandalwood essential oil:
1. Relaxing and Calming

2. Memory Booster
As sandalwood essential oil can promote mental clarity, it also works as a memory booster. But it works in two ways: not only can it help you focus and remember things, but it also can melt away stress. As you probably know, it can be hard to remember things when you’re overworked and stressed! The next time you’re having a hard time locating an item or focusing on work, try sniffing sandalwood oil right from the bottle. Alternatively, diffuse it and enjoy its benefits all day.3. Natural Aphrodisiac
Sandalwood is also an aphrodisiac! It can help increase libido and it can provide energy. (2) It works great when you add it to a massage oil or topical lotion. You might also consider using it in a bath for a truly invigorating experience. For an even sweeter scent, try mixing it with vanilla essential oil, either in the bath or as a lotion. The combination smells amazing!4. Anti-Viral and Antiseptic
You may have heard about gargling warm salt water when you have a sore throat. Maybe you've tried this method yourself, and chances are, it offered at least temporary relief. However, you can also alleviate a sore or raw throat through the power of an antiseptic essential oil like sandalwood. Sandalwood is a great to use as an anti-viral treatment. Specifically, it can prevent replication of common viruses, such as herpes simplex. (3, 4) If you have a sore throat, try gargling a cup of water with a few drops of sandalwood essential oil.5. Anti-Inflammatory
Sandalwood is also an anti-inflammatory agent. That means you can use it to help provide relief from mild inflammation. This includes insect bites, contact irritations, or other skin conditions. A 2014 study found that the active ingredient in sandalwood, santalol, helped decrease inflammation in the body. It is believed, in fact, that santalol acts in a similar manner as NSAID medications. However, it does so without the possible negative side effects. (5) Apply sandalwood oil to the skin to reduce inflammation from mild skin irritations. However, be sure you first test it on a small area. And you will likely want to mix it with a base oil, first.6. Cough Remedy

7. Lowers Blood Pressure