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He Rubs a Potato on His Grill for THIS Genius Reason!

Summer! It’s a time to enjoy some grilling outdoors while the kids play in the backyard. Cooking food outside is not only relaxing, it also keeps heat and cooking smells out of your home. But grilling is less relaxing when your food stubbornly sticks to the grill. Luckily, there is an easy and natural way to prevent the problem. All you have to do is take a potato and cut it in half, wait for the grill to warm up, and rub the potato on the hot grill. The natural starches in the potato will prevent any food from sticking. However, it is best to go with an organic potato. You don’t want all those nasty chemicals left behind.

Summertime cooking just got much simpler with this little trick! Check out the video below to learn more!

Take a look at the amazing results!!!>
