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Remove Keloids With These 10 Natural Remedies!

When skin becomes injured, fibrous tissue (scar tissue) forms over the wound to repair and protect the injury. In cases where scar tissue grows excessively, it forms a smooth, hard growth known as a keloid. Keloids can grow to be much larger than the original wound. They're most commonly found on the chest, shoulder, earlobes and cheeks, but they can form almost anywhere. Keloids can come from acne scars, burns, chickenpox scars, ear piercings, scratches, surgical incision sites and vaccination sites. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, about 10% of people experience keloid scarring. Keloids aren't typically a health concern (check in with your doctor if the growth is unusually large, becomes infected or begins to cause problems), but they do become a source of insecurity for many. If you're looking for a way to help remove or lessen the look of keloids, try one of these 10 natural remedies.

1. Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is a potent anti-fungal and anti-bacterial that can help reduce the look and size of keloids. Apply mustard oil on the affected area three times a day.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, making it a natural scar treatment. Apply some fresh lemon juice to the affected area, leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to reduce the redness and size of a keloid, while unclogging pores and allowing skin to breathe. Apply it to the affected area and gently massage it into the skin.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory with healing properties. Rub some garlic oil on the area and leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda can be used as a natural skin exfoliant. Mix 3 parts peroxide and 1 part baking soda into a paste. Apply it onto the area to speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has natural soothing and healing properties that work wonders on damaged skin. Clean the area with warm water, then apply fresh aloe vera gel onto the keloid.

7. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil helps to heal scars by rejuvenating and disinfecting the skin. Apply some lavender oil to the area and gently massage it into the skin.

8. Sandalwood and Rosewater

Rosewater can be used as a natural skin toner while sandalwood boasts a powerful regenerating effect on the skin. Combine them to make a thick paste. Clean the area, then apply the paste before bed. Rinse the area in the morning.

9. Fuller's Earth

For this concoction, combine 1 teaspoon of rose water with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon of Fuller's Earth clay. Mix into a paste and gently massage onto the affected area until it softens. Let the area dry and apply another layer. Leave the mix on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

10. Honey

Honey is a natural moisturizer for the skin. Apply raw honey to the area and gently massage. This will prevent dead skin cells from accumulating, while improving blood circulation. h/t: healthy food house
