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Oat Flour: 5 Health Benefits

Whether you have a gluten allergy or a gluten intolerance, or you're following a gluten-free diet for other reasons, oat flour is a safe choice for your recipes. In fact, one of the best gluten-free flours you can use, because it's loaded with essential nutrients. Oat flour contains fiber, protein, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc, among other nutrients. Thanks to its rich, nutty flavor, oat flour can be used in many recipes, including baked goods like cookies. Studies have shown that less than 1% of celiac patients may show a reaction to a large amount of oats in their diet, suggesting that oat flour is a safe choice when it comes to gluten-free flours. Oat flour health benefits include lower cholesterol levels, decreased blood pressure, a reduced risk of heart disease and the ability to help manage diabetes.

Oat Flour Health Benefits

1. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Thanks to the fiber it contains, oat flour health benefits include a reduced risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that dietary fiber intake is linked to a reduced risk of coronary heat disease and cardiovascular disease. Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help ensure that the cardiovascular system runs smoothly. (1)

2. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Oat flour health benefits include the ability to lower cholesterol levels. It contains beta-glucan, which works to decrease total serum cholesterol, as well as LDL cholesterol. Oat flour health benefits include the ability to limit the absorption of dietary cholesterol. Beta-glucan helps unclog arteriesand reduce LDL cholesterol by about 5-10% percent. (2) oat flour health benefits

3. Helps Manage Diabetes

Oat flour health benefits include the ability to help diabetics manage diabetes symptoms. According to a 2015 scientific review, oat consumption was able to significantly reduce the concentrations of fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The study suggests that oat flour may be a beneficial addition to a diabetic diet, to help diabetics manage blood sugar and lipid profiles. (3)

4. Decreases Blood Pressure

Oat flour health benefits include the ability to naturally lower blood pressure levels. Studies have shown that adding oats to your diet can help reduce blood pressure in people with mild or borderline hypertension. Oat flour health benefits include a reduction in systolic blood pressure as well as a reduction in diastolic blood pressure. (4)

5. Increases Satiety

Oat flour health benefits include increased satiety. Just like having a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, oat flour can help keep you feeling full until it's time for your next meal. Studies have shown that oat flour health benefits include increased satiety thanks to the fiber content it contains. Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that oatmeal ranked number one among breakfast foods when compared by satiety level. (5)
