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Manuka Honey: 10 Benefits & Uses

Manuka honey benefits range from digestive health to allergy relief, and can even help you sleep. Recognized as one of the most unique forms of honey, manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the Manuka bush. And, due to its many healing properties, the honey has been used in natural medicine for centuries. It provides the bod with amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Thanks to these nutrients, Manuka honey benefits include the ability to fight infections, boost the immune system, improve digestive health, treat skin problems and more.

Manuka Honey Benefits

1. Improves Stomach Health

Manuka honey benefits the stomach by fighting off bacterial overgrowth. It has natural antibiotic properties that help balance the digestive system and reduce acidity to prevent digestive disorders. For example, it could be extremely beneficial for you to take manuka honey if you have SIBO, acid reflux or low stomach acid.

2. Helps Treat Skin Problems

Manuka honey benefits include the ability to treat skin issues, including acne and eczema. It helps ward off bacteria while naturally moisturizing the skin the prevent dryness. (1) For many people, simply applying the honey onto their skin, leaving it on for a few minutes, then washing it off works well for the treatment of acne and eczema. You can do this routine once a day, or once every other day. You may also consider adding a dime-size amount of manuka honey to your normal face wash to help treat acne.

3. Combats Staph Infections

Studies have shown that Manuka honey can be used topically to help combat methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. MRSA can spread rapidly. And unfortunately, the overuse of antibiotics and the ineffectiveness of drugs has lead to certain strains of this infection to become resistant to attempts to control it. It's to the point, in fact, where some patients require more extreme measures to save them from these superbugs. This includes surgeries, artificial joints and intervenes tubing. However, there are other means to help keep MRSA under control. The powerful antibacterial and antibiotic properties of Manuka honey can help keep MRSA at bay. manuka honey benefits

4. Treats Wounds, Burns and Ulcers

As manuka honey can help control MRSA, so it follows that it can also be used to treat wounds. Manuka honey benefits include the ability to relieve pain and inflammation caused by burns, ulcers and other wounds. And, additionally, the antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the honey help promote healing. (2) Consider taking manuka honey daily to help fight off infections and promote fast healing. Or, for minor wounds, cuts, scrapes or burns, apply manuka honey topically.

5. Improves Oral Health

Manuka honey benefits include the ability to treat and prevent gingivitis. Furthermore, the honey's powerful antimicrobial properties also help decrease plaque build up to prevent tooth decay. (3) Dentists have found, in fact, that sucking or chewing on a manuka honey product can help reduce plague by 35 percent. Additionally, it has caused a reduction in bleeding by 35 percent as well. Moreover, zinc, phosphorus and calcium are all crucial to healthy teeth and bones, and as such, manuka honey is great for helping to maintain dental health, as it contains these nutrients.

6. Aids IBS and IBD Treatment

If you're one of many people who suffer from IBS, you may want to try manuka honey. Studies have shown that Manuka honey can help treat intestinal pain and inflammation caused by irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, manuka honey helps repair damage caused by free radicals to prevent further intestinal damage. (4) manuka honey benefits

7. Improves Immunity

Manuka honey benefits include the ability to boost the immune system. It does this by reducing inflammation as well as fighting off harmful bacteria. Research has shown that the antibacterial properties of Manuka honey can help stop the growth of bacteria that causes strep throat. You may have noticed this affect already. You don't have to have strep to know that a spoonful of honey feels great on a sore throat! However, it isn't just its soothing, soft texture that helps a raw, tender throat. Honey, and in particular manuka honey, can fight the harmful bacteria that dwells at the back of your throat when you have a bug. For a fantastic sore-throat treatment, mix manuka honey with freshly chopped garlic and cayenne pepper. Take 3 to 4 spoonfuls of this mixture until symptoms have subsided.

8. Provides Allergy Relief

Manuka honey benefits allergies by soothing irritating and painful symptoms. Studies have shown that the anti-inflammatory properties of the honey can help reduce obstruction in the airways to improve breathing. Manuka honey in particular will be beneficial in helping control allergy symptoms, however, pure, raw honey can also help in this manner. Try to opt for a local honey, which has shown to be helpful building resistance against allergies, many of which are also local.

9. Works as a Beauty Treatment

When taken daily, manuka honey benefits include increased energy and a clearer skin complexion. Using the honey in a homemade face wash can help naturally exfoliate and moisturize the skin, while using it as a hair mask can help increase natural shine. You can also take manuka honey internally to help your skin glow from the inside out.

10. Improves Sleep

Manuka honey benefits include a more peaceful night's sleep. Try adding some honey to a glass of milk before bed. The body will release melatonin into the brain to help ensure a deep and restful sleep. As there are many diseases associated with poor sleep, manuka honey can also play a role in preventing diabetes, stroke and arthritis.

Side Effects of Manuka Honey to Consider

If you are allergic to bees, you should avoid use of manuka honey, and all honey types. Furthermore, if you take manuka honey orally every day, there is an associated risk of raising blood sugar levels. If maintaining blood sugar levels is a concern to you, speak to your doctor before you take manuka honey. Furthermore, certain blood thinners and seizure medications may not mix well with manuka honey. Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns regarding this particular area.
