These homemade cough drops are easy to make, effective, and full of health benefits! If you have ever purchased mass-produced cough drops, you know they don't really do the job they promise to do. They may have a decent taste, but rarely do they actually keep you from coughing. They also don't do much to actually help you get better, as they often don't boast any significant health benefits. Furthermore, commercial cough drops are full of added sugar and other nasty chemicals that help them taste better. However, homemade cough drops are a completely different story. Defeat your cough or sore throat with the delicious cough drops below.
These delicious cough drops are made with a honey base. Raw honey is the best superfood for soothing a cough or aching throat. Even a spoonful of honey will bring some relief. However, in cough drop form, you get the added relief from honey for much longer.
Homemade Cough Drops With Essential Oils
Essential oils are a powerful tool against coughs and colds. However, ingesting them isn't always easy. Adding some essential oils to your cough drops may be just what you need. Mixed with the other ingredients and in small amounts, they will go down easier and allow you to reap their health benefits. Ginger is one great essential oil to add. It has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves congestion, and is a natural antibiotic. Overall, ginger essential oil is a great remedy to have when suffering from a cough. Furthermore, ginger is fantastic for relieving an upset stomach. So, if you use ginger for your homemade cough drops, you may also be able to use them for an upset or queasy stomach. Peppermint oil is perfect for coughs or any other respiratory illnesses. It also fights minor fevers and seasonal allergy symptoms. Basically, peppermint will stop your cough no matter the root cause. It may also help sooth a sore throat and will, of course, leave your breath smelling fresh. Lavender essential oil is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It's perfect for coughs and sore throats. Best of all, it is a natural relaxer and will help you get to sleep in no time. And when you're sick, you know that sleep is even more precious and crucial to obtain than usual. If you need an essential oil that will fight any upper respiratory infection, oregano oil is your go-to. This oil is definitely not just for cooking. Oregano oil packs of powerful wallop when it comes to healing. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and fights allergies. Cypress essential oilis excellent for relieving congestion and removing phlegm. It is also good for fighting infections and relieving anxiety. Anxiety may not be a particular issue in regards to having a cold or cough, but with its sedation abilities, cypress essential oil will help you relax. This can definitely come in handy when you're sick. When you're not feeling well, it can be difficult to fall asleep. A cough has a way of keeping you up, and it can be difficult to breath when you're congested. Cypress oil, however (and lavender, as mentioned above), can help relax you while calming your cough, getting you your much-needed sleep. Eucalyptus oil is a powerful remedy for colds, the flu, and allergies. However, it is not safe for children under the age of 10. Frankincense essential oil is perfect for relief of cold and flu symptoms. It fights illness and helps you feel better.
More Powerful Ingredients To Add
Basil - Basil has strong antibacterial properties and fights inflammation. Furthermore, basil is a wonderful source of antioxidants, which will also assist in getting you better faster. Elderberry - Elderberries contain bioflavonoids that work to soothe inflammation caused by a sore throat, cough, cold, and other respiratory issues.Homemade Cough Drops Recipe With Essential Oils
The best part about this cough drop recipe is that you can really make them yourself. If you feel a cold coming on or there is a cough going around in your household, make a batch of these straight away. Finding the perfect combination of ingredients is easy. What You Will Need:- 3/4 cup honey
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 3 herbal tea bags of your choice
- 8 drops of desired essential oils
- optional: 1 Tbsp extra ingredients of your choice
- candy thermometer
- thick bottomed small pot
- Steep 3 bags of herbal tea in 1/2 cup of boiling water for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Combine tea with honey, essential oils, and extra ingredients.
- Total extra ingredients should be 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons. Mix and match as desired.
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly before adding to heat. You should not stir while heating your cough drops.
- Heat cough drop mixture to 300 degrees and then pour into desired mold.
- This is when you would mix in your essential oils.
- Total drops of essential oils should be 8. You can mix and match the essential oils you choose.
- Wait for the cough drops to cool and then wrap each cough drop in wax paper.
- The cough drops will last longer in an air tight container in the refrigerator.