Many women who suffer from migraines and menstrual cramps have a habit of reaching for a few over-the-counter pills to help with the pain. Migraines and menstrual cramps are no joke, especially when Aunt Flo delivers both at the same time. It can be extremely painful and difficult to even get out of bed in the morning. While medicine can help numb the pain, there's always that risk of unwanted side effects to consider. Why not consider trying an herb instead?
There's a certain herb that was used by ancient Greek physicians to reduce inflammation and treat menstrual cramps. New research is now shedding light on the herb's power to fight migraines as well. Several studies have shown that it can reduce or eliminate migraines in more than 70% of users! If you suffer from either of these conditions, you'll want to give feverfew a try.

Feverfew: Herb To Treat Migraines And Menstrual Cramps
Feverfew is native to southeastern Europe, but it has spread throughout North America, Europe and Australia. It's a member of the daisy family and it blooms between July and October. Its yellow-green leaves give off a strong and bitter odor, but boast healing powers. Feverfew can be found in capsule form, but you can also consume raw or dried leaves directly from the plant. This herb is not only effective at preventing migraine headaches, it can also stop them quickly once they start. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, "A survey of 270 people with migraines in Great Britain found that more than 70% of them felt much better after taking an average of 2 – 3 fresh feverfew leaves daily. Several human studies have used feverfew to prevent and treat migraines. Overall, these studies suggest that taking dried leaf capsules of feverfew every day may reduce the number of migraines in people who have chronic migraines." Feverfew has also been shown to help reduce pain from menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps occur when the uterine lining produces too much of a certain hormone that can cause pain and inflammation - prostaglandin. Feverfew has the ability to limit the release of this hormone, which can help ease menstrual cramps.