Boron is a trace mineral that can be found in certain foods as well as the environment. Research has linked boron to the prevention of several health conditions, including arthritis, osteoporosis, brain fog, PMS symptoms and yeast infections. Additional health benefits of boron include the ability to balance hormones, reduce allergies, rid the body of parasites, and fight candida.
You can find boron in apples, beans and potatoes.
Health Benefits of Boron
1. Increases Concentration and Brain Function
Health benefits of boron include the ability to increase concentration and fight brain fog. Studies have shown that low levels of boron can cause poor cognitive development and trouble retaining information. Boron improves task performance, motor control, attention and short-term memory. (1)2. Helps Reverse Arthritis
Health benefits of boron include the ability to treat and even reverse arthritis. Research has shown that low concentrations of boron in the bones is linked with higher rates of arthritis. Boron plays a key role in integrating calcium into the cartilage of the joints, which can help prevent joint deterioration as well as joint pain. (2)3. Strengthens Bones
Health benefits of boron include the ability to strengthen the bones and fight osteoporosis. Boron facilitates the absorption of calcium into the bones, to help prevent weak bones and fractures. According to a study led by the Department of Orthopedics at Red Cross Hospital in China, boron supplements are able to increase bone formation while inhibiting bone resorption, which protects against osteoporosis.4. Promotes Healthy Muscle Mass
Heath benefits of boron include the ability to promote healthy muscle mass. Studies show that high boron levels help the body better absorb vitamins and minerals. Boron works to promote healthy testosterone production and build muscle mass. It's often used as an ingredient in protein powder and athletic supplements for its ability to boost athletic performance.