Grapefruit essential oil contains many of the same health benefits as the fruit itself. Grapefruit, for example, is one of the best-known aids for weight-loss. And to be sure, grapefruit essential oil has the same weight-loss properties. But are you aware of the other many health and beauty benefits associated with grapefruit essential oil use? From hair care to stress management, grapefruit and its oil covers a wide base of health and beauty-related items. Read below to learn more about the uses of grapefruit essential oil.
Do you have a sweet tooth? It seems like there’s always some tempting treat staring you in the face. However, grapefruit essential oil can work wonders to help keep cravings at bay. (5)
Sniff the oil straight from the bottle whenever your cravings hit. Alternatively, add several drops in water or tea that you can drink throughout the day.
Nothing puts a damper on a day like low energy. Between work, kids, household chores, emotional and mental burdens, and life in general, many of us struggle to keep up with the demands. However, you can combat brain fog, poor moods, and mental exhaustion by inhaling grapefruit oil. It can even help with headaches and make you more alert! (9)
Sniff it whenever you feel an energy drop approaching. You can carry the bottle itself with you, or, for a more convenient method, consider purchasing an essential oil necklace. Many of them come in stylish designs. They allow you to carry your favorite essential oil with you all day. Fill it up with grapefruit essential oil and take a sniff as often as needed to help keep your energy levels high.
You’ll find that many commercially-made beauty products use citrus oils. This is because of their antibacterial, skin-boosting properties. It’s a fantastic acne remedy! It also protects the skin against pollution and UV light damage. It’s also effective in healing wounds, cuts, and bites, and helps prevent skin infections. (10)
For a nourishing skin salve or acne treatment, combine grapefruit oil with coconut or jojoba oil. Apply it once or twice daily on the affected area. Not only will it help clear your skin, but it will give you a boost in energy, too, due to its delicious citrus scent. However, remember that you need to be careful when using grapefruit oil topically, if you are going to be out in the sun after use. Citrus-intensive essential oils can cause damage to your skin if you use them in conjunction with sunlight exposure.

Here are 11 grapefruit essential oil health and beauty uses:
1. Weight Loss Booster
You might have heard that grapefruit is great for weight loss. It’s true! Some of the active ingredients in grapefruit boost metabolism and suppress appetite. Applied directly to the skin, grapefruit essential oil is an excellent lymphatic stimulant. Additionally, it can help you shed excess water. (1) Add several drops of grapefruit essential oil to your water or diffuse it in your office or home. Or, when cravings strike, massage some onto your chest and wrists.2. Natural Antibacterial
Harmful bacteria can enter the body through contaminated foods, water, or parasites. However, grapefruit oil has antimicrobial effects that can fight some harmful bacteria strains. (2) Commonly, to use grapefruit essential oil for its antibacterial properties, you would ingest it by adding a couple of drops to your water. You can also use it topically, but as mentioned above, you need to take care when using grapefruit oil on your skin if you're planning to be out in the sun directly after use.3. Fights Urinary Tract Infections
It’s not just cranberries that can help keep UTI's at bay. Research shows that grapefruit is effective at fight them, too, and might even be “comparable to that of proven antibacterial drugs.” (3)4. Stress Buster
The scent of grapefruit can be amazing. It’s uplifting, soothing, and clarifying. As such, it’s an excellent treatment for stress and anxiety. (4) Add several drops to a sterile cotton ball along with a small amount of coconut oil. Then rub it into your wrists, neck or chest. You may also consider using grapefruit essential oil with an essential oil necklace. This will enable you to carry the scent with you all day, so you can take a quick sniff whenever you feel your stress levels rising.5. Curbs Sugar Cravings

6. Air Freshener
Citrus is a fantastic natural air freshener! Diffuse grapefruit, along with orange or lemon essential oils to tackle tough odors. And an added bonus? It’ll clean bacteria from the air! Additionally, use small amounts of grapefruit essential oil for some light cleaning. For example, you might try using it on wooden surfaces, counter tops, or floors. You can even use it in household appliances to kill bacteria and odor naturally. (6) Try mixing several drops with equal parts of water and white distilled vinegar for a fantastic homemade cleaning solution.7. Circulation Booster
Generally speaking, citrus essential oils are great for fighting inflammation and increasing blood flow. The blood vessel-dilating effects of grapefruit can be used to treat menstrual cramps, headaches, bloating, fatigue and muscle pains. (7) Add a few drops to a bath, place some on your shirt collar, or apply a few dabs onto your wrists.8. Boosts Digestion
Grapefruit essential oil affects digestion positively. It can help shed fluid retention, plus it fights microbes within the intestines, gut and other digestive organs. (8) Reap these benefits with your own massage lotion! Mix together a few drops of grapefruit oil and coconut oil and rub the mixture onto your belly. This practice will also offer therapeutic benefits, both in the motion of the massage and the great energy-boosting scent grapefruit essential oil has to offer.9. Natural Energizer

10. Acne Fighter and Skin Saver