Freekeh (pronounced free-kah), also called farik, is an up and coming star in the world of grains. While this grain is not gluten-free, it does have a laundry list of benefits to offer. Freekeh benefits, for example, include helping control your weight as well as treating IBS. Plus, as this grain is not as well-known, eating it is a good opportunity to add some variety to your diet.

Here are 5 freekeh benefits:
1. Helps with Weight Control
Freekeh benefits start with weight control. As it’s high in protein as well as fiber, freekeh can help keep you fuller longer. This helps you cut down on extra snacking as well as overeating. (1) Annals of Internal Medicine conducted a study that examined fiber’s effect on weight loss plans. The study took place over one year and looked at 240 adults with metabolic syndrome who added high-fiber foods to their diet. After 12 months, those in the high-fiber group experienced weight loss. (2)2. Aids Eye Health
Due to the lutein and zeaxanthin contents in freekeh, freekeh benefits include preventing macular degeneration. Research indicates that starting from birth, lutein promotes healthy ocular development. Furthermore, lutein lowers the risk for age-related eye diseases. (3) As freekeh benefits your eye health, add this grain to your diet to avoid age-related eye complications.3. Supports Healthy Digestion
Freekeh benefits your digestive system, too. It does this by providing you with fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool, which helps relieve digestive issues such as constipation.