Clove oil comes from the cloves of the evergreen tree. Cloves grow throughout the year, unlike many other spices. They are high in nutrients including manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Cloves be used for more than just fragrance and spice. Clove essential oil has many natural health benefits, including the ability to reduce inflammation, calm irritated skin and heal fungal infections. (1)
Clove Oil Uses
1. Skin Care
Clove oil is a natural antibacterial agent. It has the ability to kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms that cause acne. To use clove oil as a natural acne remedy, mix 3 drops of oil with 2 teaspoons of raw honey. Rub the mixture into your skin then wash your face.
2. Candida
Clove oil has been shown to kill the fungus that is responsible for candida. Taking it internally helps balance acidity and remove parasites from the body. Take clove oil internally for 2 weeks under the care of a physician or nutritionist to help heal candida. (2)3. Toothaches
Clove essential oil has the same numbing effect as topical agents used in dentistry. As a toothache remedy for pain, mix clove oil with coconut oil and rub it on the gums near the affected area. The oil will numb the area to help relieve pain and inflammation. (3)
4. Inflammation
The anesthetic effect of clove oil can provide pain relief from inflammation of the mouth, throat and gums. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of the oil reduce pain while removing bacteria from the area. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and add 3 drops of clove oil. Gargle with the solution to provide relief from mouth ulcers, inflamed gums and gingivitis.5. Nausea and Vomiting
Clove oil is natural remedy for nausea. Pregnant women who are experiencing morning sickness or individuals who are nauseous can rub a drop of clove oil on their pillow or diffuse the oil to reduce nausea. (4)