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Chlorophyll Supplements – Benefits and Precautions

Chlorophyll supplements: are these a must have? If you can remember as far back as elementary school science class, then you have a rough idea of what chlorophyll is. Chlorophyll is responsible for one of the most important chemical processes on the planet – photosynthesis. It helps plants convert sunlight into energy, making it crucial to life on earth. (1) That's all fine and dandy, but the last time I checked, humans certainly aren't plants. Our bodies don't perform photosynthesis! So what's up with all the chlorophyll supplements? What benefits do they actually provide? I'm glad you asked! With this post, we'll explore the pros of using chlorophyll supplements, as well as the associated precautions.

Uses of Chlorophyll Supplements

Controlling Body Odor

shutterstock_302739851 chlorophyll supplements In a 1980 study involving 62 nursing home patients, chlorophyll supplements were found to be an effective internal deodorant, controlling body, fecal and flatulence odors. (2) Yes, 1980 was four decades ago, but a 2004 study followed up, and investigated chlorophyll's potential for treating trimethylaminuria, a hereditary condition characterized by a natural fishy body odor. (3) The study found that 60 milligrams of chlorophyll taken three times daily significantly reduced the prevalence of the odor.

Reducing Cravings

shutterstock_306304823 chlorophyll supplements Having a hard time sticking to your diet? Well, a 2014 study found that chlorophyll supplements taken along with a meal can decrease feelings of hunger. (4) How? Well, chlorophyll causes the release of hormones that make you feel fuller. (5)

Liver Detoxification

shutterstock_287425541 chlorophyll supplements Animal studies have shown that chlorophyll supplements can reduce the risk of liver damage by increasing enzymes that help the organ eliminate toxins. Even when the intake of toxins that affect the liver was high, subjects were able to greatly reduce the damage to their bodies by taking chlorophyll supplements. (6) Also, one human study saw that after 16 weeks, patients who took chlorophyll supplements saw an average 55% greater decrease in liver toxins than those who took a placebo. (7)

Cancer Prevention

shutterstock_141299494 chlorophyll supplements Furthermore, a study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute found that chlorophyll binds to potential carcinogens in the body and interferes with their absorption in the body. (8) This stops them from being circulated and affecting vital tissues. Yet another study confirmed these findings. In fact, the chlorophyll in green leafy vegetables greatly reduces a person's risk of colon cancer by reducing the impact of toxins found in an unhealthy diet. (9)

Pill or Liquid?

Take a quick trek through your health store supplement aisle, and you will see chlorophyll supplements in both pill and liquid form. If you're looking to reap the most benefits for your body, gel caps are a good way to go. That's because pills contain a water-soluble type of chlorophyll known as chlorophyllin, or sodium copper chlorophyllin. (10) Your body can metabolize and absorb this form of chlorophyll much more easily. Liquid chlorophyll supplements generally contain chlorophyllin, as well. Chlorophyll as a liquid can work well as a topical treatment for healing skin wounds. Look for a chlorophyll topical spray.


As with any supplement, it's important to discuss chlorophyll with your doctor before taking it – particularly if you plan to treat or prevent a health condition. Your provider will be able to determine which supplement you should be taking, and at which dose. Source:
