Black cohosh is a flowering plant native to North America. It's been studied extensively for its ability to naturally treat hormonal issues, like menopause symptoms. Studies have shown that the benefits of black cohosh include the ability to reduce hot flashes, promote better sleep, reduce bone loss, naturally manage PCOS and more.
Benefits of Black Cohosh
1. Reduces Hot Flashes
Benefits of black cohosh include the ability to reduce hot flashes. Studies have shown that taking black cohosh on a regular basis can help decrease the number of hot flashes as well as the severity. The herbal remedy can work for menopausal women, as well as anyone else who suffers from hot flashes.2. Aids in Sleep
Benefits of black cohosh include the ability to improve sleep. Black cohosh is able to naturally balance hormones to reduce sleep disturbances caused by menopause and hormonal imbalance. Research has shown that black cohosh was able to effecively improve sleep in menopausal women who had sleep complaints. (1)3. May Help Treat Diabetes
Research suggests that the benefits of black cohosh may include the ability to naturally treat diabetes. A pilot study found that an extract of the plant, known as Ze 450, can help reduce body weight and improve insulin processing in diabetic patients. The study suggests that black cohosh may work as an effective natural remedy to help treat and even reverse diabetes. (2)4. Helps Manage PCOS
Benefits of black cohosh may include the ability to help naturally manage polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Studies have shown that black cohosh may be just as effective as pharmaceutical medications for PCOS. PCOS patients can also help balance hormones with essential oils, in place of chemicals or medication. (3)