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9 Habits That Reduce Cholesterol Without Dangerous Statins

Is it possible to reduce cholesterol without having to take dangerous statins? Yes, of course! Yet despite the side effects of dangerous statins, millions of Americans take these medications every single day to reduce cholesterol levels. Why? Good question! You see, statins work by blocking the enzyme in your liver that naturally produces cholesterol. They don't specifically address HDL or LDL cholesterol. By blocking the liver enzyme, they simply reduce total cholesterol production. Through this mechanism, statins can cause multiple side effects, including muscle damage and weakness. Studies also suggest a potential link between statins and a progression of muscle wasting that may lead to Lou Gehrig's disease. Sure, Americans may be lowering their total cholesterol levels, but they are also putting themselves at risk for many adverse side effects from taking statins. Consequences of taking statin drugs in strong doses for a long period of time include headache, difficulty sleeping, high blood sugar, changes in vision, lower back pain, frequent fevers, cognitive loss, and more. reduce cholesterol dangerous statins If you are suffering from high cholesterol levels, a doctor may hand you a prescription and send you on your way. But the truth is, there are plenty of safe and natural ways to reduce your cholesterol levels, without putting your heath at risk by taking statins.

Natural Ways To Reduce Cholesterol Without Dangerous Statins

1. Optimize Your Vitamin D Levels

Maybe it isn't so obvious, but the best way to raise your Vitamin D levels is to spend time outdoors, letting the sunlight kiss your skin. Vitamin D from sun exposure will help normalize your cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. sunshine reduce cholesterol dangerous statins

2. Reduce Carbohydrates And Maintain A Healthy Weight

Of course, finding your right weight offers many health benefits. In particular, reaching a healthy weight by eliminating sugars in your diet can help drastically improve your cholesterol levels. Sugary carbohydrates spike your insulin level, which then triggers the development of cholesterol.

3. Eat Heart-Healthy Foods

Also add plenty of heart-healthy foods to your diet! This will naturally improve your cholesterol levels. David Wolfe often says, "add in" because that's much easier than taking away. So what to add in? Heart-healthy foods include olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, avocados, raw nuts and seeds. And that's half the equation. The other half is fermented foods. avocado reduce cholesterol dangerous statins

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly promotes a healthy heart. It can also help you lose excess weight and help naturally improve your cholesterol levels. If you haven't exercised in a while, start with walking. Gradually increase to a program that includes both strength training and high-intensity exercises.

5. Reduce Your Stress Level

Do you feel chronically stressed? Unfortunately, excess stress can have a negative impact on your health, your weight, and your cholesterol levels. Find a way to manage your stress. Your health depends on it! One of the best ways to reduce your stress levels is to improve your quality of sleep. sleep reduce cholesterol dangerous statins

6. Improve Your Sleep Quality

And here it is! Tip #6 goes along with your stress as well as cholesterol levels. Your body needs an adequate amount of sleep to function and to keep things running smoothly. Ensuring a good night's sleep every night will help reduce your stress levels and, most important, normalize your insulin levels.

7. Avoid Excessive Alcohol Or Tobacco

Both alcohol and tobacco negatively affect your health, including your cholesterol levels. Alcohol is high in net carbs, which affects your insulin levels. Tobacco temporarily raises your blood pressure, which has a negative effect on your arterial system. So skip the bad habits to reduce cholesterol more easily. smoking reduce cholesterol dangerous statins

8. Replace Vegetable Oils With Healthy Fats

No, we aren't talking about organic, high quality oils from olives or avocados. Those are healthy fats. Unfortunately, most processed foods contain rancid vegetable oils and synthetic trans fats, which can cause problems. So try replacing them with healthy fats that include omega-3's for a cholesterol-friendly diet. Specifically, try olive oil and coconut oil instead.

9. Eat Fermented Foods

Fermented foods can help boost your immune system, which makes for a healthier body overall. Increasing the beneficial bacteria in your gut can help reduce heart disease risk. Try fermented vegetables such as cabbage, kale and carrots, along with tempeh, natto, and kimchee. Sources: Mercola Mercola Livestrong Food Network American Psychological Association ALS Association
