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8 Essential Life Skills You Never Learned in School!

It often feels like there's a gap between the school system and the real world. While the knowledge we gain from schooling is great, the world is constantly changing. In a lot of ways, schooling doesn't exactly prepare us for a world that's unpredictable. Learning to adapt, to handle change, and to be prepared for anything that's thrown our way can help us navigate a society that's constantly moving, growing and changing, without getting lost. Here are eight vital life skills that children aren't taught in school:

1. Independence

Learning to stand on your own two feet is an important quality for success. Teaching children a little at a time to be independent can show them that they can make decisions on their own. Letting them make their own mistakes can teach them valuable lessons they'll carry with them.

2. Compassion

Compassion isn't something that's learned in school, but it may be one of the most important life skills. Compassion is needed to work well with others, to care for other people and find happiness through making other people happy. Modeling compassion is the best way to teach your child how important it is to help others who are suffering, and brighten someone's day through a small act of kindness.helping hand

3. Individuality

Growing up in an area without diversity can make it difficult later on when children come into contact with people who are different. They need to be taught that we come in all sizes, shapes and colors, that we all have different likes and dislikes, and individual quirks that make us who we are, and it is perfectly OK to be unique.

4. Welcoming Change

The world is constantly changing. Learning how to accept change, deal with change and navigate new paths is extremely important. Fearing change can hinder happiness and success. It can cause us to skip out on amazing opportunities, or become complacent. Teaching children that change isn't something to be afraid of, but rather something to prepare for, can help them in so many aspects throughout their day

5. Happiness

Many parents coddle their children in an attempt to keep them happy and safe, but it can make children rely on their parents for their happiness. As he or she grows up, a child might look to other people or other things to find happiness, instead of realizing that it's possible for us to be happy on our own, without a crutch to lean on. Teaching a child from an early age that contentment can he found with things like playing, reading and imagining is a valuable life lesson.

6. Finding Passion

Many people struggle with finding their passion. Helping a child find what he or she is passionate about by giving him or her the chance to try lots of different things can help uncover a source of lifelong internal happiness and motivation. Encourage the adventure, but let children find out on their own what sparks them.dreams

7. Asking Questions

Active knowledge shouldn't end with graduation. Teaching children that asking questions is a good thing can encourage their curiosity and help them continue to seek knowledge in different aspects of life. Continual learning is an essential part of growth, in this ever-changing world.

8. Solving Problems

Constantly solving a child's problems on the child's behalf won't help him as he grows. A child needs to know that she can solve problems on her own. New skills, a new environment, or a new job are all just problems to be solved. Modeling problem-solving and allowing children to come up with their own ideas for solutions can help them develop confidence and let them know that they can handle whatever comes their way.

Fortunately, we have Dr. Seuss' words of wisdom to guide us through life!

Sources: The Mind Unleashed High Existance David Wolfe David Wolfe David Wolfe
