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8 Dangerous Essential Oil Myths Most People Believe

Even if you have yet to try them, there's no doubt that you've heard about the buzz surrounding essential oils. They can be used for stress relief, pain relief and even to improve sleep quality. While essential oils are natural, they are powerful. They should never be used without caution and a thorough understanding on how to use them safely.

Here are 8 dangerous essential oil myths you need to stop believing:

Myth 1: All Essential Oils Are Safe For Children If Diluted

Many essential oils are dangerous to use on children ages five and under. Before using an essential oil on a young child, be sure to consult a professional. Different oils can have different effects on children.

Myth 2: It Is Safe To Use Essential Oils On Your Skin Then Go Out In The Sun

When you use citrus oils on your skin, your skin becomes more sensitive to the sun. This is because they contain components that can increase damage caused by UV light. Using a citrus oil then going out in the sun immediately after can result in blistering, burning and discoloration. Oils that increase the risk of UV damage include lemon, lime, orange bergamot and grapefruit.

Myth 3: Therapeutic Grade Oils Don't Exist

There are several therapeutic grade standards for essential oils. It can be difficult to decide which ones to trust. These standards are created by the companies who develop the oils. It's important to understand how the company defines therapeutic grade. Do your research to make sure you're getting what you want.

Myth 4: You Can Ingest Any Essential Oil Without A Problem

Some essential oils can provide great health benefits when ingested, but the internal use of essential oils isn't safe unless used under medical supervision. Essential oils are potent. When it comes to ingesting, be sure that you are working with a certified and reliable practitioner that can supervise.

Myth 5: Real Essential Oils Don't Freeze

Essential oils can in fact freeze if the temperature is cold enough. Many oils will freeze in your home freezer or even in your refrigerator. Freezing has nothing to do with whether or not your essential oil is pure. Storing your oils correctly can ensure you get the most out of them.

Myth 6: It Is Safe To Put Essential Oils Directly Into A Hot Bath

You can use an essential oil in a bath, but you should emulsify it first. If you don't emulsify the oil, it will float on the top of the water and enter the skin directly. When the oil combines with heat and water in this way, it can cause dermatoxicity. Use sesame oil or milk to emulsify the oil.

Myth 7: If You Don't Like The Way An Oil Smells, Your Body Needs That Oil

Our bodies are designed to protect us from things that might be harmful. Our ability to smell odors is a crucial part of survival. When it comes to essential oils, you may not like an aroma initially because it's new to you. Give yourself a little time to get used to new oils, but listen to your body if it's telling you to stay away from something.

Myth 8: A Rash Or Burn On Your Skin Is Just A Detox Reaction

A rash or burn on your skin, even from a pure essential oil, is an adverse reaction. If you experience a rush or burn after using an essential oil on your skin, your body is telling you to stop using it! This is why a patch test is recommended. It's also recommended that you dilute an essential oil in a carrier oil before using it on your skin.

Learn more in the video below!
