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6 Simple Yoga Poses for Firm Breasts!

Breast size and shape are often sources of insecurity for women. Many women believe there's nothing they can do about the shape or size of their breasts, other than plastic surgery. As it turns out, there are certain yoga poses that can improve the shape of the breasts, along with the volume of the lungs, while making you feel strong, healthy and confident.

Give these breast-firming yoga poses a try!

1. Warrior Pose

warrior pose

Virabhadrasana, or the Warrior Pose, can help you extend your thorax, making it elastic and active while promoting strength.
  1. Place your feet wide apart, parallel to each other.
  2. Turn your left foot to the left at a 90-degree angle and turn your right foot to the inside.
  3. Exhale, then bend your left knee.
  4. Keep your right leg straight as you raise your arms and put them in line with your shoulders.
  5. Turn your head to the left while looking at your wrist.
  6. Repeat 7-10 times, then perform the exercise to the right side.

2. Triangle Pose

triangle pose

Trikonsana, or the Triangle Pose, will strengthen your thorax while stretching your spine to improve blood flow.
  1. Place your feet wide apart. Turn your left foot at a 90-degree angle and the right foot at 15 degrees.
  2. Touch your left ankle with your left hand, and stretch your right arm upward so your arms make a straight line.
  3. Keep your knees and spine straight. Turn your face up and look at your fingers.
  4. Repeat the exercise for the other side.

3. Cobra Pose

cobra pose

Bhujangasana, or the Cobra Pose, helps to increase lung volume, strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve posture.
  1. Lie on your stomach and deeply inhale. Slowly raise your torso while keeping your lower body to the floor.
  2. Balance on your arms and legs while raising your head to look up.
  3. Slowly exhale and return to the starting position.
  4. Try to increase the time you hold the pose with each repetition.

4. Bow Pose

bow pose (2)

Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose, can help reduce back pain. It stretches the spine and shapes the breasts.
  1. Lie on your stomach and exhale. Bend your knees and raise them behind you, toward your head.
  2. Hold your ankles with your hands and exhale, then pull your legs and arms upward as far as you can.
  3. Your hips and breasts should lift from the floor, and you should balance on your stomach.
  4. Try to hold this position for 30 seconds.

5. Wheel Pose

wheel pose

Chakrasana, or the Wheel Pose, stretches the thorax, spine and neck while relieving fatigue and curing headaches.
  1. Lie on your back and place your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Put your hands behind your head with your palms down and your fingers pointing to your back.
  3. Exhale and raise your breasts and hips as high as you can.
  4. Try to straighten your arms completely and hold the position for 30 seconds.

6. Camel Pose

camel pose

Ustrasana, or the Camel Pose, increases lung volume and strengthens the thorax. This pose is also effective against backaches.
  1. Sit on your knees and pull your feet together.
  2. Slowly bend backward and put your hands on your heels, then arch your back and stretch your ribs.
  3. Pull your head to the floor and hold the pose for 30 seconds before returning to the starting position.

Remember that Yoga is for Everyone! Sources: Brightside Ravishly Yoga Basics Santosha
