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5 Steps For Long Term, Sustainable Weight Loss

Every single year, Americans spend more than $60 billion on weight loss programs and products. Despite that figure being twice what it was in 1992, the percentage of overweight and obese Americans continues to rise dramatically. Today, roughly 75% of all Americans are overweight, obese or extremely obese. Many of them share a story similar to that of Jon Gabriel's early struggle. Jon had spent years trying to lose weight with the help of doctors and diets. But the weight kept coming. By 2001, he weighed more than 400 pounds. Then he gave up. He gave up trying to lose weight. He gave up counting calories. Within just 2 years, he shed more than 220 pounds. How did he do it? Instead of focusing on numbers and appearance, he focused on his health. Weight loss just naturally followed. But hey. What does 'focusing on your health' even look like? How can youdo the same?

I'm glad you asked! Here are 5 things Jon did to start looking and feeling healthier. I highly recommend you do the same.

#1 – Feed your body.

shutterstock_70150084 Have you ever heard that phrase, 'all carbs are not created equal?' Well, it's true. And while you might think that cutting your meal size in half might help you burn weight, the truth is that you're not going to get very far if you're eating the same junk as usual in a smaller quantity. No, you need to feedyour body – not just fill it. Eat healthy, filling superfoods that will allow your body to function the way it should. Weight loss will be just a natural byproduct of that effort.

#2 – Heal your digestive system.

What happens to a car if the mechanisms that convert gas to energy and expel waste fail? I'll tell you – even if you've put the best, most premium gas in that vehicle it will not run properly. Your body is no different. You need to take care of the bacteria – the mechanisms – in your digestive system that help your body process what you put into it. Avoid alcohol, fried foods and soda. Replace those things with digestion-boosting foods like kefir, sauerkraut and tempah.

#3 – Sleep!

shutterstock_124050577 Sleep deprivation is a major problem for more than just your mood. It affects your health and weight as well. When you don't get enough sleep, your body's level of cortisol rises. This creates insulin resistance, which in turn raises your blood sugar levels. Higher blood sugar levels place you at risk for – yup, you guessed it – obesity. So there you have it. Getting some shuteye totally qualifies as a weight-burning activity.

#4 – Take care of your mental health.

Did you know that those who suffer from depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety are much more likely to be obese? That raises a very important point. You need to take care of not only your physical body but your mental state as well. You're not going to get very far in your dieting and exercising regimen if you're too mentally zapped to get yourself out of bed. Taking care can mean a number of things. It can mean seeking counseling. Or it can mean making time to take a breather every now and again. It can also mean doing yoga. The bottom like is that you need to find something that helps you address your emotional and life issues. We all have them; it's just a part of being alive.

#5 – Take time to detox.

You might not realize how many environmental and industrial toxins you pick up on a daily basis. Researchers have found that many of these toxins damage your body's natural weight-burning mechanisms. While buying and eating organic is certainly a place to start, keep in mind – that doesn't make you exempt from toxins. You need to detox regularly. Begin by drinking lots of water – at least 2-3 liters daily. Also consume lots of artichokes, asparagus, avocados and beets.

Check out how this method has worked for other people! Check out Jon's Facebook page over here!

Check out this video from David to learn about the miraculous potential of a good detox for weight loss! Sources: Obesity Network CDC Scientific American Jon Gabriel
