Whether you love it or hate it, garlic is a superfood. And you should eat garlic often.
Well, for one thing, it contains manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and copper, among other beneficial nutrients. In fact, the sulfur-containing compounds in garlic provide many natural benefits for just about every part of your body. For example, they benefit the cardiovascular system, immune system, inflammatory system, and digestive system. Wow! Garlic's powerful anti-fungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects make it worth adding to your daily diet. Convinced to eat garlic yet? (1)
Here are five reasons why you should eat garlic every day:
1. Garlic Helps Prevent Cancer
Garlic contains bioactive sulfur compounds that are believed to help reduce cancer risk. According to the NIH National Cancer Institute, "Several population studies show an association between increased intake of garlic and reduced risk of certain cancers." In particular, garlic benefits cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas and breast. (2) Although the National Cancer Institute does not endorse supplements, they do recognize the protective effects from garlic. For example, garlic helps protect against stomach cancer thanks to its antibacterial properties, as shown with studies on Heliobacter pylori. Garlic also has the power to stop the activation of cancer-causing substances and enhance DNA repair. (3)
2. Garlic Helps Prevent Colds And Infections
Studies have shown that garlic is highly effective at killing harmful microorganisms that are responsible for both common and rare illnesses and infections. In one study, participants took either garlic supplements or a placebo for 12 weeks during cold season. The study found that participants who took garlic were less likely to get a cold. Also, those who took garlic and did get a cold recovered more quickly than the placebo group. You see, garlic has powerful antiviral, anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties that work to keep your body healthy. (4)3. Garlic Helps Stabilize High Blood Pressure
Next, garlic is a great natural remedy for people who suffer from high blood pressure. In one study, researchers evaluated 50 people with "uncontrollable" blood pressure. The study found that by taking four capsules of aged garlic extract each day for three months, participants saw a drop in blood pressure by an average of 10 points. Furthermore, the polysulfides in garlic promote the widening of blood vessels to reduce blood pressure. (5, 6)