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5 Everyday Habits That Reveal Interesting Truths About Your Personality

We all have our little quirks when it comes to even the simple things in life, but can the things that make us unique, such as our daily habits, offer up any insight into our overall personality? Of course they can. Not everyone sees the world in the same way. As such, we all have our personal beliefs and tenets, and we hold them near and dear to us even others are trying to convince us of their viewpoint. The same holds true when it comes to how we approach even the simplest of tasks. For example, your significant other may find it odd that you get out of sorts when things are out of place. However, it makes perfect sense to you. Order makes you feel comfortable, while things that are in disarray can make you feel disorganized. There’s plenty of other examples we can point to, and here is a list of five little habits that may reveal more than you realize. You might want to keep some of these secret!


According to Juliet Boghossian, a behavioral food expert and founder of Food-ology: “Food-related habits can, in fact, reveal facets of an individual’s personality and behavior tendencies. What you want to observe is your ‘consistent’ or ‘typical food related ”

According to Boghossian:

Slow eaters are confident, level-headed, appreciative; low energy, and often sad. Fast eaters, on the other hand, are ambitious, goal-oriented, and audacious. They are also impatient and tend to be ill-tempered. And then there's the adventurous eater. This is the type that is always looking for new types of food to try. Boghassian asserts this person is a risk-taker, an adrenaline-junkie, but can also be pushy and a busy-body. Picky eaters are detail-oriented and seek sensations. They also tend to be anxious and neurotic. And the "isolationist", the person who eats one thing at a time, is also detail-oriented. They are also careful and can be stubborn. The next time your loved ones look at you as if you have two heads for your eating habits, you can take some small solace in knowing that it’s just one of those things that make you unique.


Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, clinical psychologist, states that the content of our emails reveals extroverted or narcissistic personality traits. Extroverts have a tendency to include "fun" topics in their email correspondents. Extroverts love sharing about personal life including dates, parties and activities in their emails. Narcissists have lower emotional intelligence and will commonly use controlling language in their emails. They tend to use a lot of "I's," "Me's," and "Mine's". A-ha! There is hidden meaning in that email from your superiors! Not necessarily, but it can give you some clues on what makes them tick.


Plenty of research has found that punctuality is based on a person's personality. Type A personalities are normally more aggressive and tenacious. Type B personalities are more relaxed and chill. So, Type A personalities will almost always be on time and Type B personalities don't really get the time hype. Next time you come across a fanatic about punctuality, there’s a good chance a certain letter will be popping in your head.


A 2015 study found an interesting link between emotional stability and one's attachment to his or her cell phone. People who participated in the study answered questions using an agreement-disagreement scale (on a scale from 1 to 10 etc.). They answered questions like "I spend more time than I should on my cell phone" or "I get agitated when my cellphone is not in sight." Scientists found that people who were more addicted to their phones displayed less emotional stability than those without a cell phone addiction. Maybe it's time to leave your phone alone during dinner.


One of the most old-as-time-itself arguments is the proper way to place a toilet paper roll in the toilet paper roll holder. You know the deal...loose sheet hanging under the roll, or over the roll? You probably have a preference. And it turns out your opinion in this matter can suggest something quite noteworthy about your personality. Fun! Here's what happened: Researchers conducted a survey consisting of 200- men and women. They inquired about "toilet paper hanging" habits. In particular, subjects were question on whether they insert the roll with the loose sheet hanging over or under. Their findings suggest that those who prefer the TP over are more dominant, while those who prefer it under are more submissive. However, I don't think the researchers took into consideration whether the participants had a cat or not. These little quirks help make us who we are. While our uniqueness is what helps set us apart from others, it’s also one of the many things that makes the world all the more interesting. Sources: Power of PositivityHuffington Post - Psychology Spot - NIH - Oprah - Fast Company
