At that point, you need to 'show' instead of 'telling.' Here are 44 creative ideas for doing just that!
- Leave a short love note in their purse/wallet/pocket for them to discover at some point during their day.
- Surprise your partner with a special date in the middle of the week, for no specific reason other than your immense love for them.
- Think of something great about them that you usually take for granted. Then, compliment them on it.
- Give your partner a full body bedtime massage when you know they've had a long day.
- When you've got a message for them, call instead of texting. If they ask why, tell them you just wanted to hear their voice.
- Make him/her a gift, like a painting or picture frame with an original poem in it.
- Ask what's on their mind, then do nothing but listen.
- Look your partner lovingly in the eyes when they least expect it.
- Ask how you can help them accomplish their personal goals, then provide that support.
- Compile notable pictures/text messages from your relationship in a scrapbook and gift it to your partner.
- When you and your partner make love, make a point of ensuring his/her needs are met – even if it means continuing after you've been satisfied.
- When you're spending romantic time with them, put your phone away entirely and focus all your attention on them.
- Make a YouTube/Spotify playlist with all your partner's favorite songs and share it with them.
- Learn as much as you can about something they really like. Then, surprise them by starting a conversation about the topic.
- Ask how their day went, then let them talk without any interjections.
- Cuddle with them in silence and just enjoy their company.
- Help them overcome one of their biggest insecurities.
- Text your partner a joke randomly during the day.
- Leave them with a positive affirmation every morning.
- Tell them how much you love them in public.
- Initiate sex/cuddling – particularly if they usually make the first move.
- Surprise them by planning a day of activities they'll enjoy.
- Take them on a road trip.
- When your partner is stressed, help calm them down.
- Take them on a picnic.
- Ask them where they'd like to eat, then surprise them by making reservations.
- Invite your partner to accompany you and your friends next time you hang out with them.
- Tell them what specific features/characteristics you find attractive about them.
- Read their favorite book and discuss it with them afterwards.
- Buy a piece of furniture they've been eying/need, then assemble it for them.
- Take them to watch the sunset.
- Send your partner a cute/funny video.
- Give them a long, unexplained hug.
- Take them somewhere beautiful without stopping to take a picture. Just enjoy the moment.
- Ask your partner to work on a project with you, such as writing a short story or painting something.
- Let him/her share their true, raw feelings without judging them.
- Take them stargazing.
- Randomly tell your partner how fantastic they are.
- Find a cool/unique cover of their favorite song on YouTube and share the video with them.
- Go to a concert with them.
- When you're angry with your partner, take a moment to think before you respond. They'll notice and appreciate the effort!
- Take them on a walk in nature without any cellphones or gadgets.
- Massage their feet after a long day.
- Go with them to couple's yoga.