You probably already know that heavy metals are toxic to human beings, even in low concentrations. Surprisingly, though, our bodies need some metals in trace amounts to do the important work of living. So what makes heavy metals a problem?
Primarily, any metal with a high density at the molecular level is considered a heavy metal. Among them, the most common heavy metals mercury, aluminum, and lead create the greatest problems in our bodies. In fact, many recent news reports will remind you that these three are bad news for us.
Unfortunately, you are exposed to these heavy metals constantly, from the air, the food you eat, and the water you drink. When your body absorbs these toxins, they build up inside, often causing toxicity signs and symptoms. (1)
Here are 10 signs that your body is full of toxic heavy metals: (2, 3, 4)
1. Nausea
Nausea is a common symptom of acute heavy metal poisoning. If you were exposed to a large amount of metal at once, from something toxic that you ate for example, your symptoms may include nausea.2. Vomiting
Vomiting is another common symptoms of acute heavy metal poisoning. After exposure, your body may be desperately trying to rid itself of the toxins.3. Headaches
Headaches can be caused by long-term or chronic exposure to heavy metals. The toxins building up in the body can cause chronic headaches.
4. Difficulty Breathing
Heavy metal toxicity in the body can wreak havoc on the respiratory system. Specifically, difficulty breathing can be a sign of mercury poisoning.5. Skin Problems
Perhaps the most noticeable sign, rashes and other skin problems can develop due to heavy metal poisoning in the body. Skin problems occur when the toxins begin to seep through the skin.6. Cramping & Abdominal Pain
Cramping and abdominal pain may be signs of toxic heavy metal poisoning. When heavy metals accumulate in the body, they begin to cause damage to different parts of the body, including reproductive organs in adults.
7. Confusion
Heavy metal toxicity can affect the brain in the form of confusion and memory loss. Other neurological symptoms can include headaches, irritability, coma and convulsions.8. Constipation
Well, not just constipation. Heavy metal toxicity can negatively affect the digestive system overall, causing an upset stomach, diarrhea and constipation on a regular basis.9. Night Sweats
The body often attempts to rid itself of toxins through sweat. Night sweats or excessive sweating could be signs of heavy metal poisoning or shifts in your hormone balance for the very same reason.10. Joint Pain & Muscle Pain
Long-term exposure to toxic heavy metals can cause toxins to build up in your soft tissue. So joint pain, as well as muscle pain and weakness, may all be signs of poisoning.