“A modern-day warrior
Mean mean stride
Today’s Tom Sawyer
Mean mean pride
Though his mind is not for rent
Don’t put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day’s events —
The River”
We arrived during a ferocious blizzard. The wind moved sideways with ice and unbelievable sharpness. The driving conditions in and around: the most difficult I’ve ever driven. Yet we were powered by the resolve to help, support, understand and experience. It was incredible at every level: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. The warrior spirit is alive and well amongst the first nations of North America. Against astonishing odds: Standing Rock stands against the $3.75 billion Dakota Access Pipeline.
What is happening at Standing Rock Reservation on the Missouri River in North Dakota?
Essentially, 38 faceless giant corporate and international banks and four dangerous oil company interests are violently arrayed against a ragtag group of peaceful Water Protectors consisting of Native Peoples from across the Americas and other folks of every description who care. This is the first time in American history where all the North American Native American tribes have had representatives to support a grass-roots cause. I saw native tribes from Brazil there as well and other native peoples from Polynesia. If there was ever a cause to fight for, this is it: protect our water from the endless greed of giant banks and the monthly environmental catastrophes created by oil/fracking companies.(5) We met many Native peoples and Americans at Standing Rock who said they were hunkering down for the winter and that they would battle peacefully to the end no matter how long it took—even years. Nobody was worried if they would be killed or thrown in jail. When I asked people where they were from or where they lived, I often heard: “Here. I live here now.” Wherever they were from before, didn’t matter. They were from Standing Rock now and they were clear: they are going to stop the pipeline from going through. There were people there from Alaska who weren’t the least bit concerned with the Dakota winter. They told me: “This is nothing.” Little children of all ages were everywhere about the camps. Families and elderly were there and respected. A Native person said: "This is our land. If I die here protecting this land then my ancestors will honor me.” The intense blizzard and wind had the camp covered in blankets of snow. Sioux Tipis lined the camp. Yurts (donated by Mongolia) were tightened up for winter. Resources were being organized. This battle will go on. While we were there, thousands of US military veterans were on their way into the camp to show their support for Standing Rock, the Native Americans and the environmental cause. This is the real deal folks. The world is watching."The world is the world is
Love and life are deep
Maybe as his eyes are wide”
I never felt so much connection to people I didn’t know as I did to the people at Standing Rock. We covered all the camps; we visited every part of the situation, including walking up to the barricade during the peak moment of the fiercest blizzard of the year with our Native allies. And I am here to tell you this is not only a stand against BigOil, BigBanks, outdated energy concepts, and greed — it is a stand against unnatural values, catastrophic ways of life, the corruption of the human spirit, and meaninglessness. This is a stand against the fake science that has polluted every corner of the world — this is a stand against evil. It is another Little Big Horn up here; this time in the Dakotas. Except now it’s the Native Americans with all kinds of other Americans including veterans up against BigOil, BigBanks, the local police, the Army Corps of Engineers, a clueless governor and the corrupt Federal government.
“No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government.
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren’t permanent –
But change is”
What Is The Dakota Access Pipeline?
The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is being built to transport volatile (explosive) sweet crude oil (and eventually fracking* products) from the Northwestern North Dakota Bakken oil fields 1100 miles thru the Dakotas into Iowa and finally into Illinois where it will be linked to another pipeline that will take it south to refineries along the Gulf of Mexico. (1)* frack·ing (noun) ˈfrakiNG/ — the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc., so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas.
Once in the Gulf of Mexico region, the volatile sweet crude oil from the Dakotas will be refined into products and ready for export. That’s right: export. In reality, most of this fuel will be purchased and shipped to China. Typical of oil pipelines, the project will create thousands of jobs only during the time of its construction. Once constructed, the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) will only employ 40 people permanently for maintenance of the pipeline. (1)
The Conflict #NoDAPL
In the process of attempting to construct the Dakota Access Pipeline in “Unceded Native American Treaty Land” between the Heart River and the Cannonball River west of (and adjacent to) the Missouri River and then cross 40 feet under the Missouri River in North Dakota, a conflict has arisen between Dakota Access LLC (the builders of the Dakota Access Pipeline and also a front for at least 38 banking interests and 4 oil interests) and the Standing Rock Sioux Native American Tribe. Dakota Access, LLC, is a joint venture of Phillips 66 and of two members of the Energy Transfer family—Energy Transfer Partners and Sunoco Logistics. Enbridge (responsible for the Kalamazoo disaster—the worst oil spill in Michigan history — and Marathon Oil have bought into this joint venture. Together, they now have about a 37 percent stake in the Dakota Access pipeline.(1) Together they account for over 1,000 oil and chemical spills in the United States of America.(5) The conflict is occurring due to three primary reasons:- The proposed oil pipeline would go into the ground 1500 feet from the Missouri River on both sides and cross approximately 40 feet under the Missouri River. The Water Protectors have sought to block this phase of construction as long as possible, by either forcing Dakota Access LLC to reapply for a federal construction permit or to reroute the pipeline somewhere else. If a leak or fire occurred near that location, the drinking water for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe would be destroyed. Dakota Access LLC currently lacks permits to tunnel beneath the Missouri River, yet its employees have completed construction on both sides of the river. The construction site is surrounded by razor wire and bright lights that are visible all over Oceti Sakowin Camp. They are preparing to drill horizontally under the water.
- The pipeline crosses sacred Sioux lands and burial grounds that were given by the US Federal Government to the Sioux Tribe in the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie, Wyoming Treaties and then later revoked by US Federal Government Executive Order on March 16, 1875 without the consent of the Sioux Tribe or any other Native American groups. In 1874, gold was found in the Black Hills of the Great Sioux Reservation and on February 28, 1877, the US Congress voted to steal the Black Hills from the Sioux tribe and give it to the Federal government, which they did. The Sioux Tribal agreements with the US Government in 1851 and 1868 were thus violated unilaterally and illegally by the US Government.
- The Governor of North Dakota and the Army Corps of Engineers are demanding that the Oceti Sakowin Camp be evacuated immediately. There appears to be no legal grounds for this. My review of the Fort Laramie Treaties and subsequent Presidential and Congressional actions indicates the Cannonball River has been considered the northern boundary of the Standing Sioux Reservation without contest. If the Army Corps of Engineers and the police crossed over the Cannonball River, that would be considered an act of terrorism, as well as violent trespass and would be grounds for a strong, decisive, Federal, legal action by the Standing Rock tribe against the State of North Dakota and the US Government that might cost the State of North Dakota and the US Government millions of dollars in legal fees, fines and judgments.

What you need to know about Oil Pipelines
Whistleblower John Bolenbaugh (www.dapllies.com) discovered that a leak of less than 1.5% decrease in pressure in an oil pipeline will not be addressed nor fixed. An anonymous gentleman whom I interviewed and who worked for another oil pipeline company (yet refused to be videotaped for fear of losing his job), told me that number was 1%. That means minor leaks will not be fixed and will (and currently do) contaminate the environment. Here is a list of a few oil pipeline disasters in the United States since September 4, 2016 (2):- On September 4, a pipeline broke in Kern County, California, spilling reclaimed water & oil.
- On September 5, a pipeline in Bay Long, Louisiana was hit by dredging operations, resulting in a spill of about 5,300 gallons of crude oil into the water.
- On September 9, a Colonial Pipeline mainline leak was noticed by workers on another project, in Shelby County, Alabama. At least 252,000 gallons of gasoline leaked from line.
- On September 10, a Sunoco pipeline ruptured near Sweetwater, Texas. About 33,000 gallons of crude oil were spilled. The pipeline was just over a year old.
- On October 11, two Nicor Gas workers were injured, and two townhouse units destroyed in a massive fire and explosion, caused by a gas leak in Romeoville, Illinois.
- On October 17, an 8-inch ammonia pipeline started leaking, near Tekamah, Nebraska. A farmer living nearby went to find the source of the ammonia, and was killed by entering the vapor cloud. About 50 people were evacuated from their homes.
- On October 19, a contractor in Portland, Oregon hit a 1 inch gas pipeline during work. Within an hour, there were 2 explosions, injuring 8 people, destroying or damaging several buildings, and started a fire. Contractors claim a utility locate was done before work began.
- On October 21, an 8 inch Sunoco pipeline ruptured in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, spilling about 55,000 gallons of gasoline into the Susquehanna River. The river was running high at the time.
- On October 24, a pipeline ruptured on the Seaway Pipeline, in Cushing, Oklahoma, spraying the area with crude oil.
- On October 31, a Colonial Pipeline mainline exploded and burned in Shelby County, Alabama, after accidentally being hit by a trackhoe. One worker died at the scene, and 5 others were hospitalized. The explosion occurred approximately several miles from the 9 September 2016 breach.
“What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the witness — Catch the wit
Catch the spirit — Catch the spit”
Water is Life.

The Status of Standing Rock Treaty Land and Legal Theory

- There is a “Failure to Consult” aspect of the Standing Rock legal case. Consultations with the Standing Rock tribe in regards to the DAPL project essentially failed and were at best incomplete. The Havasupai Tribe of Arizona is in the James Browning US Courthouse, courtroom 4 (room 260) in San Francisco, California on December 15th, 2016, 9:30am. At this hearing, the court will rule on a “Failure to Consult” the Havasupai tribe regarding nearby uranium mining. If the Havasupai win this case, that may set a precedent for the Standing Rock case. Please mark your calendar and attend this hearing in the Bay Area and support the Havasupai tribe.(8)
- As a subtext to the “Failure to Consult,” there is an action here by Standing Rock against Dakota Access LLC and the Army Corps of Engineers for creating an insufficient environmental assessment of the DAPL and furthermore failing to communicate this assessment with the tribe. The EPA, the Department of the Interior and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation all expressed concerns in public comments on the Army Corps' draft environmental assessment.(7)(8)
- How “Unceded Treaty Lands” may be deemed to still be Sioux lands: Let's say you had a contract and it was unilaterally broken by the other side (albeit, arguably legally); but the behavior over time indicates a contract was still mostly observed, then a constructive agreement is assumed and may be proven and upheld in a court. That means, that if the US and State governments have historically behaved as if the Treaty Lands were Native American lands then that strengthens the Native American Fort Laramie Treaties violation claim.
- Though legally reaching, the Sioux tribe may have an action for adverse possession: a rule of law where the inhabitants of a land (in this case the Sioux) may take possession of a land because the owners of the land (in this case, the US Government or State government) have not settled on it nor properly claimed it over a long period of time.
Broken Promises and the Native Americans
If there is one thing I know about the Native Americans — based on 50+ Reservation Preservation tree-planting projects we’ve done with my non-profit charity Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (www.ftpf.org) — it is this: the US Government and its agencies have never kept their word with the Native Americans. When we began approaching Native Tribes with our projects, not a single one of them actually believed we would show up, they’d been lied to so badly. We did show up, we’ve done all the projects and we feel absolute solidarity with the Native American cause.

Crazy Horse
Rumor has it that the horses that wander the perimeter of Standing Rock are descended from those tamed by Crazy Horse himself. The descendants of the horses that fought at the Battle of Little Bighorn are believed to be these same horses. One night, after visiting with a friend who was camping far out there, I stepped into the elements and snow drifts and prepared for a long walk back to the Herbal Medic Yurt. Howling winds, blinding snow shards and darkness (due to no moonlight) beset me immediately. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed, what I thought was a Native man coming towards me. As the figure got closer, I realized I was looking at a horse. I am not a horse whisperer. Never have been. I’ve ridden horses, but don’t understand them. Yet that horse came to me, and comforted me, and we powered thru the snowdrifts together and found pathways until I got back to the edge of the main camp that was also the edge of its domain. With a lot of love and heart we parted ways. The magic was palpable.“What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist — Catch the myth
Catch the mystery — Catch the drift”
The battle of minds is over. This is a battle of heart. Please help us, join the #WaterProtectors and stand for what is right.
What This All Means
Let’s get the complete picture, the oil will come out of the ground in the Bakken region of the Dakotas until it runs out, then the region will be fracked to get the rest. Disposal wells will remain in the area and contaminate ground water permanently (forever). The oil will be piped to the Gulf to be sold on the world market (most likely China). Forty permanent jobs will be created. If there is ever a leak, we can expect the same cover-ups and catastrophes exposed by my friend John Bolenbaugh (www.dapllies.com) that will contaminate our American land for centuries. Tens of billions of dollars will be made on this oil. None of it will go to you and none of it will go to Native Americans. Does this sound like a good deal to you? If you don’t get it by now, let me lay it out for you: the oil companies and big banks don’t care about you, the environment, nor alternative forms of energy — in fact they want alternatives: stopped, priced out of the market or controlled by them immediately. The oil companies and big banks care about money, power and control. These organizations are run by the criminally insane and these people must be identified, prosecuted for crimes against humanity and crimes against the Earth. Here is what you can do…What You Can Do To Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline and Other Pipelines
As of December 4, 2016, the Dakota Access Pipeline has been stopped. However, oil companies and big banks are always up to their dirty tricks. We must continue to make choices that weaken their stranglehold on the health of our world. Here are some things you can do:- Get your money out of the banks supporting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project (see the list below) and other Oil/Chemical Pipeline projects. Pull your money out of these unconscious banks and put your money into credit unions, into assets that are useful (garden supplies, sustainable living tools, trees, solar power systems, wind power systems, electric vehicles, wind turbines, etc.) and into gold and silver that you possess. Here is a list of the 38 banks (3) that are supporting the DAPL project:
- Contact 17 of these banks HERE and tell them how you feel about their support of The Dakota Access Pipeline.(4)
- Learn how to be a #WaterProtector and #EarthProtector. Be ready to get back into the elements in order to help us. Use the Wim Hof Method to train yourself to be empowered by cold weather and cold water. Be ready to chop wood and carry water.

Where to Donate Funds to help Stop DAPL and other Oil Pipelines
Red Lightning @ Standing Rock Donations
Donations for Red Lightning @ Standing Rock may be made by Paypal, Wire or Check. Red Lightning is a non-profit under the umbrella of Empowerment Works, Inc. All Donations are tax deductiblecontributions to a 501(c)3 charitable organization as allowed by law.By Paypal
Send your payment to: registration@redlightning.org Send as Friend and Family to avoid PayPal Fees Write: Avocado Standing Rock as memoBy Check
Make your check Payable to: Red Lightning/Empowerment Works. Mail your payment to: Red Lightning ,28310 Roadside Dr. Ste 120, Agoura Hills, CA 91301By Wire
Wire your payment to: Red Lightning/Empowerment Works, Inc. Routing #121000248 Acct #7693503554 Swift BIC # WFBIUS6WFFX Memo: Avocado Standing Rock Bank Address Wells Fargo Bank, 557 Castro St., San Francisco, CA 94144Lakota Law
You may find great information on how to keep the pressure on Energy Transfer Partners and the Dakota Access Pipeline HERE. Please donate to help our legal team.Sacred Stone Camp
You may find great information HERE on how you may continue to support and donate to Standing Rock.- Share this and other articles about Standing Rock and other Oil Pipelines with your friends and family on every form of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, etc.). Television media and mainstream media won't report the truth about oil pipeline disasters and Standing Rock because they are owned by the oil companies, banks and pharmaceutical companies who stand to profit from the polluting petroleum economy.

- Make sure everybody is aware of how dangerous the oil industry and oil/chemical pipelines really are. Start by sending them HERE.
- Make a concerted effort daily to alter your energy use:
- Share oil industry whistleblower John Bolenbaugh’s website and the video with everyone you know: www.dapllies.com John is a champion for your environmental rights. Please donate to him and support this extraordinary man.

- Like and Share Water Protector and Facebook Live Broadcaster Kevin Gilbertt’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/kevin.happychappy
- We must oppose the centralization of power worldwide in any form (political, corporate, religious, Internet, etc.) and at all costs. We must begin to target the removal of the criminally insane from powerful positions in society. The criminally insane crave positions of centralized power and utilize those positions to persecute humanity and destroy the Earth. Anybody seeking a position of centralized power must be regularly analyzed by peers for evidence of criminality and also demonstrate altruistic motives and environmental ethics or be denied access to these positions. We must expect that the criminally insane will seek positions of centralized power and catch them in the act.

Online References
- http://www.daplpipelinefacts.com/about/overview.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents_in_the_United_States_in_the_21st_century
- https://www.democracynow.org/2016/9/6/whos_investing_in_the_dakota_access
- http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/how-to-contact-the-17-banks-funding-the-dakota-access-pipeline-20160929
- http://www.foreffectivegov.org/blog/map-displays-five-years-oil-pipeline-spills
- http://www.whokilledtheelectriccar.com/
- https://insideclimatenews.org/news/30082016/dakota-access-pipeline-standing-rock-sioux-army-corps-engineers-approval-environment
- An editorial made multiple claims about the DAPL but did not link any supporting information. This analysis is helpful in understanding misstatements by DAPL allies and their failure to consult those along the pipeline route including the tribe. What they are claiming cannot be true. http://www.snopes.com/2016/11/28/what-those-dakota-access-pipeline-protesters-dont-tell-you/
- Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868: http://www.uwyo.edu/robertshistory/fort_laramie_treaty_of_1851.htm
“Exit the warrior
Today’s Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the energy you trade
He gets right on to
The friction of the day”