Pooh is not impressed.
Food Safety News tested honey sold in U.S. grocery stores and found that, alarmingly, over 75% of that honey has been filtered of the pollen bees produce, making it – by definition – not actual honey.
FSN states that the removal of pollen from commercially-sold honey would cause the suddenly-so-much-more-mysterious sticky stuff sitting on the shelves at your local grocer to 'flunk' the standards testing undergone in other countries.
"Honey? Where you at?"
According to an FDA document, any product that has been filtered to the degree where it contains no pollen can no longer be considered honey. But they're not doing anything to check just how much pollen manufacturers are leaving in their products.
The list of offenders is staggering. The following are just of few of the honey products tested by FSN that were shown to have no traces of pollen, regardless of jar size:
"I don't feel so good..."
"There is only one reason to ultra-filter honey and there’s nothing good about it,” Richard Adee, beekeeper who produces 7 million pounds of honey each year, told Food Safety News.
“It’s no secret to anyone in the business that the only reason all the pollen is filtered out is to hide where it initially came from and the fact is that in almost all cases, that is China."
But if you think 75% is bad, wait till you hear findings from other sample sources tested by FSN:

- American Choice Clover Honey
- Archer Farms Orange Blossom Honey
- Archer Farms Organic Classic Honey
- Busy Bee Organic Honey
- Busy Bee, Pure Clover Honey
- CVS Honey
- Fred Meyer Clover Honey
- Full Circle Pure Honey
- Giant Eagle Clover Honey

- 77% of honey from stores like Costco and Target had no pollen
- As did 100%of honey from Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy